Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

“Just Duck.” He frowned. “That is it. Not the added words—”

“You have always been Ducky Poo to me and no matter how much taller you get you will remain Ducky Poo.” She took my hand and guided me out into the hallway. “Let’s go, Monique.”

“Umm. Hold on. I should get my slippers or—”

“Not necessary. Our suite is just down the hall.” She pulled me forward and it was in that moment that I realized she had a good grip on me—the sort of hold that told me I could not get out of it. Ever. While she might have been a short, older woman, there was nothing fragile or timid about her.

I checked out her arms and spotted nicely toned biceps.

Alright, Aunt Suzi. I need to sign up with your trainer.

Duck followed us. “I am telling you that Lei won’t like this.”

Aunt Suzi waved him away and marched us forward. “Since when does Lei like anything anymore? If I spent my days trying to please that brooding little boy, I would get wrinkles. Do you see your auntie’s face? It is smooth from not giving a damn.”

I grinned.

She sounds like mom.

We made it to her suite in no time.

Aunt Suzi stopped us at the door and wagged her finger at Duck. “Leave. I taught you better, Ducky Poo.”

He leaned his head to the side. “What do you mean? I can’t leave. I have to watch over her and make sure—”

“She will be changing in and out of gowns. You must leave.” Aunt Suzi waved. “Good day.”

Duck remained where he was. “Lei would want me to stay with her.”

“Like I said before, Lei is asleep.” Aunt Suzi placed her hand on her hip. “And get dressed. I want to see a nice suit on my Ducky Poo with a little bowtie.”

“I don’t wear bowties anymore—”

“Tonight, you will.” Aunt Suzi narrowed her eyes at me. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes.” He let out a long breath and headed away.

Well. . .now we see who is really in charge around here.

Aunt Suzi smiled at him. “He is such a good boy.”

Good boy? He had a gun pushed into my side at an altar in a church, and then he talked about corkscrew penises.

Smirking, I chose not to say anything about that.

She opened the door.

Classical piano music danced in the air.

Immediately, my eyes were drawn to the spectacle before me.


It was a grand production laid out in the center of a luxurious suite. Tons and tons of breathtaking blue gowns. Racks of them. Each one possessing exquisite craftsmanship. Some shimmered. Others glowed. Many of their silhouettes told tales of painstaking beadwork and intricate embroideries.

Every hue of blue imaginable had been represented—from the softest powder blue to the deepest sapphire, from the brilliance of turquoise to the elegance of cobalt. Azure and cerulean. Indigo and periwinkle.

On a plush couch in the center of the room, another elegant Asian woman sat sipping tea. She had short gray wavy hair. Her brown eyes sparkled. “Quite a surprise.”

Aunt Suzi shut the door and bobbed her head. “I know. Lei never stops blowing my mind.”

“He was always a little rebel.” The woman placed her tea on the table in front of her and rose. “I am very excited to meet you, Monique. I am Aunt Min. We are family now.”

“O-kay.” I waved, feeling very out of place in my towel. “Nice to meet you.”

“As I said before, you are family. However. . .” Aunt Min beckoned me towards the gowns. “We will not just become your aunts today. In addition, we will be your fairy godmothers.”

I chuckled. “Okay.”

Aunt Suzi walked on my side. “Every woman must have a Cinderella moment once a month.”

“Oh really?” I eyed them.

Aunt Min nodded. “So tell us, Monique. Have you already had your Cinderella moment for this month?”

“Oh no. I haven’t checked that off on this month’s to-do list.” I tried to keep the sarcasm off my tongue. “Maybe, next week.”

“Perfect. Consider tonight as your Cinderella moment.” Aunt Min gracefully gestured to the magnificent array of blues. “Shall we get started?”

Aunt Suzi clapped several times.

Another door opened on the side.

Four women in dark blue uniforms rushed out of whatever room that was.

Next, two men in blue suits carried out this captivating divider, placed it on one side of the room, and then rushed away.

This is pretty cool.

I couldn’t keep my gaze off the divider. It was a four-paneled screen, adorned with hand painted scenes of two lovers among nature.

The man wore a rich, royal blue robe, accentuated with patterns of golden dragons. His hair was styled in a topknot and secured with a jade hairpin, a mark of nobility.

Beside him, a woman stood in this cream-colored gown-like robe. Pink peonies were embroidered along the bottom. Her raven-black hair was gathered up and adorned with a hairpin shaped like a phoenix.


