Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

I turned my back to the showerhead, allowing the water to stream down my bald head and spill around my shoulders. The sensation was both calming and invigorating, like a thousand tiny fingers massaging my flesh all at once.


I reached for the liquid soap, lathering my head and body with this floral scent until suds covered as much flesh as possible.

The steam shifted to a misty cloud, making it hard to clearly see in front of me.


I closed my eyes, let out a contented sigh, and relished in the feeling of the water rinsing away not just the soap, blood, and dirt of the day, but my pain. My guilt. My grief.

A soft noise came from outside of the shower.

What is that?

Opening my eyes, I paused and stood still.

Warm water continued to cascade over me.

My heart raced as I strained to see through the thick foggy veil.

A man stood in the doorway, and he was tall and outlined in muscle.


Shocked and surprised, I didn’t move.

Is he going to say something?

Due to the steam, I couldn’t make out his expression, but I could sense the intensity radiating off him. His gaze damn near penetrated through the fogged glass.

So. . .

I swallowed.

Should I say hi or something?

Lei remained there in that doorway, watching me and I wasn’t sure if he could tell that I was also watching him.

All I knew was that an electric charge throbbed through the space.

Meanwhile, I should have felt vulnerable or terrified. Instead, I experienced this strange sense of safety, like nothing could harm me as long as he was near.

A pinch of desire sparked in my core too.

He was clothed, and I was naked.

Shit like that made me horny.

Does he know that I can see him?

I could barely make him out in the fog. Perhaps, the mist clouded his view of my face too.

I quirked my eyebrows.

Maybe, I can be like. . .hey, come in and wash up. No. That’s stupid. How about? Are you dirty? No. Don’t say that.

He continued to watch me.

Hmmm. He surely sees something.

A wicked smirk hit me.

I know one thing. If you bring your ass in this shower, you won’t be a virgin anymore.

At the very thought of messing with him, my heart thudded in my chest.

Moni. Stop that.

Regardless, with the way Lei was staring at me. . .it felt as though he saw not just the woman I was, but the woman I’d always yearned to be.

Then. . .slowly. . .he backed up and closed the door.

I exhaled, not even realizing that I had held in my breath.

What the hell was that?

Warm water continued to flow over my body.

Although Lei had left, his presence remained in the shower with me, intensifying the heat and steam.

That was kind of. . .sexy. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind some. . .dick during this tough time.

My thoughts ran down the path of wickedness.

Fucking always gets the mind off of pain. Didn’t some great philosopher say that?

Then I realized who I was talking about. This was Lei—a man who had spent his entire life obsessing over one woman to the point where he had remained a virgin.

Now that is clear devotion.

Lei had basically done a vow of chastity for her.

And for no damn reason it seemed. I mean. . .how did she not fuck him? I was not trying to judge a dead woman, but spoiler alert. . .I would have fucked him.

Now she was dead, and by his father’s hands.

I shook my head.

Chill, Moni.

Sex would be the last thing on Lei’s shattered mind. That sort of disciplined and honorable guy didn’t do a little mourn-fucking on the side. And I wouldn’t play with his emotions and attempt to take advantage of him.

Leave him alone.

Blowing out a long breath, I turned around and let the water spray against my face.

I had to get a grip on reality.

The last thing I need to do is add Lei’s rejection to my guilt and grief, because if he isn’t fucking his harem—women trained to pleasure him—he will not be hooking up with me.

I struggled with thinking about other things. Unfortunately, my mind rode a haze of arousal. Lei’s sudden appearance clearly had an effect on me.

I really do need some dick though. . .and some rum. . .and maybe even a joint.

While taking care of my sisters, I had only focused on work and feeding them. I kept drinking and weed to an almost nonexistent minimum. All dollars went to their needs—bills, school supplies, clothes, etc. Not recreational drug use. I didn’t even indulge in a cheap bottle of wine, when that money could buy slices of cheese and thicken TT’s already pitiful, barely-filled sandwiches.

Therefore, one silver lining in this very dark cloudy day was that I could get a little break away from them and be. . .irresponsible for once.


