Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

“There’s dead guys hanging from the chandeliers!?” Eyes still closed she held her hands up in the air. “Oh no. I can’t. . .do that. . .I have to go. . .umm. . .maybe you can google their pictures or something—”

Fast, I grabbed both of her arms and put her hands down.

She tensed with those eyes still closed. “Please. . .don’t make me do this.”

I gripped her arms tighter. “Open your eyes.”

“I-I can’t. I’m so sorry.” She let out a long breath. “I can. . .umm. . .maybe get their pictures off Facebook or something. . .just let me get my phone. . .and—”

“Monique,” I growled.

She shivered. “I-I’m scared.”

Of course you are. This is all new.

I didn’t know why, but I pulled her close to me. A whimper left her. To my surprise, she leaned her head against my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

Chen and Duck exchanged looks.

I wasn’t sure what else to do. Remembering how my mother soothed me, I held Monique’s small waist with one arm.

With my free hand, I tenderly rubbed her back. “One quick look at a time. It’ll be easy.”

“Some of these bodies are warm.” Hu left a chopped corpse and stomped through a puddle of blood. “Lei, we need to get the ID’s from her fast—”

“Give her a minute,” I growled.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered against my chest. “It’s been a. . .crazy day. I can do it. I just need. . .my stomach. . .my head. . .”

I looked down at her. “Is this your first time seeing a dead body?”

“No.” She trembled against me. “But this is definitely my first blood bath.”

More of my men entered, stalking through the massacre and checking the other penthouse rooms.

Hu pointed to three guys. “Cut those three bodies down from the chandelier so we can get a better look.”

Duck lowered and touched one of the corpses near the door. “We probably just missed Leo. This guy’s body is still warm too.”

“Oh, God.” Monique moved away from my hold, opened her eyes, and doubled over. Vomit left her mouth, spilled to the floor, and mixed with the blood.

Duck watched with fascination. “She really did have dumplings with Leo.”

“Shut up.” Chen undid his tie.

Monique let more liquid go.

My men had the three bodies off the chandeliers and lying on the floor.

Duck walked over and assessed them. “There’s another man that’s cut-up too. Lots of special attention like these two white guys.”

“You’re right, Duck. They all have the chopsticks in their eyes, but this guy was truly tortured.” Hu pointed to the body that was under the chandeliers. My father had not only sliced up his face but stuffed his mouth with stacks of money. “Maybe, this one was a bodyguard that got too mouthy with Leo, so he used him as an example.”

“Whoever he was, Leo gave him extra time.” Duck whistled.

“But why?” Hu asked.

I stayed silent. All my focus remained on Monique, hoping she would be alright. When she finished throwing up, she coughed and tried to get her bearings. Once she did, she stood straight.

Chen handed her his tie. “You can use this to clean your mouth.”

“Thank you.” She took the tie and did her best to avoid looking up or down. Wiping her mouth, she turned my way. “Okay. . .I’m. . .better.”

“That’s good, Monique.” I tenderly took her chin, keeping her focus on me and not the bodies. “But are you sure you’re ready?”

Her bottom lip quivered. “Yes.”

“You won’t need to look at all of them. Just the three guys. They were my father’s focal points.”

She let out a long breath. “Okay.”

I moved my hand from her chin. “Only three faces.”

“Well,” Duck kicked another body over and checked the face. “If those aren’t Dutch or Snow, then she will need to look at the others.”

Fear filled Monique’s eyes.

Chen frowned. “Silence, Duck.”

Monique closed her eyes. “I can’t. . .look at all of them.”

“Focus on me, Monique.” I took her hand and squeezed. It was so damn soft and smooth. Her fingers shivered within my grip. It had been a long time since I’d been in the presence of a vulnerable woman in need of my help.

In some ways, the act of calming her, soothed the darkness in my heart.

“Open your eyes and keep your gaze on my face until I tell you differently.” I gently squeezed her hand. “Pretend it’s just you and me here.”

“Okay.” She touched her stomach with her other hand and opened her eyes.

“What do you see?”


“Excellent.” Slowly, I guided her to the three bodies that had been hanging from the chandeliers and then turned to her. “It may be hard to identify them because there are chopsticks in their eyes.”

“Dear, God. W-what color are the chopsticks?”

“Pink and gold.”

“T-hey’re from the restaurant.”


“Well. . .” She shook her head. “I certainly won’t be eating there again.”


