Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

He simply stared.

Alright. Where’s the priest or nun to deal with this?

I checked the space to see if anybody could help me with this psycho.

On the other side of the altar, the women who’d been praying earlier, now whimpered and clung to each other in a group.

What the fuck?

Three other Asian men surrounded them with guns. They were dressed in dark blue and had similar silver collars around their necks.

Meanwhile, the nun was parked in the front pew and sitting between two huge scary guys in blue.

What the fuck? This is a church! What is going on today?!

“Excuse me. . .sir. . .” I swallowed. “Have I done something?”

With his free hand, he placed one finger to the front of his lips.

I shut my mouth.

Then, he moved the finger from his lips and pointed to the space on my right side.

I stayed frozen, unsure if I was supposed to turn around.

Frowning, he pressed the tip of the gun harder to my side.

Okay. Okay. You want me to look that way.

Slowly, I turned my head and glanced over my shoulder.

Who the hell is this?

Another Asian man kneeled right next to me at the communion rail. He had his hands together in prayer and his eyes closed.

Okay. . .This must deal with Leo.

I assumed all the gun-wielding men were Chinese. I’d just been in Chinatown with Leo and his monks. We were so close to the area. And Leo had been running from people.

Plus, this man behind me resembled Leo a little. He surely could have been a younger, taller version of Leo.

The other guy with silver hair finally moved his gun from my side.

Guessing that the praying man was the leader, I stayed on my knees but turned my body his way.

This damn day. . .Why did I even get out of bed?

I took in his face, trying to assess the amount of danger I could be in.

He’s praying. That could be a good thing.

Even with his eyes closed, I could tell that he was a good-looking man. The view of him almost rendered me motionless.

He wore a black trench coat. However, his pants and shirt were dark blue, just like Leo and his monks.

That can’t be a coincidence.

I leaned a little forward and spotted a long sword handle poking up from the side.

The man whispered something to himself.

Who is he praying to? What is he praying for?

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and snapped his view to me.

I froze.

Death filled those eyes, shifting his gorgeous face to lethal.

I trembled in fear.

A dark voice left those lips. “Did you pray for your soul?”


“Why not?”

“I had someone else to pray for.”

“I bet you did.” He sneered. “How long have you worked for him?”

I widened my eyes. “Who?”

Fast, he rose and yanked the sword out. It was a blur of motion. The trench waved back and forth. One of the women shrieked.

So caught off guard, I fell to the side.

Holy shit!!

Mr. Dangerous Trench Coat towered over me and must’ve been at least 6’2. The trench opened wider, displaying two silver and blue Glocks on his waist.

Scowling at me, he stepped forward. “Do you think I came here to fuck around with you?”

“No way. Not at all.” I hurried to get up and stumbled a little. “I just. . .I don’t know who you’re talking about. . .I have my guesses, but it’s been a really long day. If you can just give me a minute, I’m sure we can figure out something—”

“Silence!” he roared.

I froze.

In a blur, he whipped the sword down and did some sort of twist by his trench. Somehow the sword remained hooked in. The trench’s flaps rippled, revealing daggers hooked into the material.

Hey! How many weapons do you need?

And although the sword was gone, I didn’t feel any safer.

Mr. Trench Coat growled, “What’s your name?”


He slowly walked around me, assessing and looking me up and down. He got back in front of me again and opened my jacket. “Take this off.”

I did and let the jacket fall to the floor.

Instantly, I felt everyone’s eyes on me.

He took in the Cookie Monster pajama shirt and walked around me again. This time he stopped behind me, raised the bottom of my shirt in the back, and lifted the handgun from my waist—the gun that Song had given to me earlier.

Then, he grabbed TT’s wooden dagger from my back pocket. I’d only brought it to keep part of her with me.

A dark chuckle left him.

He walked around, stopped in front of me, and held the gun and dagger between us. He looked at the dagger. “Why do you have this?”

“It came from West Paradise Museum.”

“I know where it came from.” He glared at me. “Why do you have this?”

“My younger sister likes it and—”

“Do you have family in West Paradise?”

“No. They’re in the South.”


