Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

I slammed into some other old man dressed in blue robes. He must have been some sort of weird monk. He gave me a warm nod, but didn’t move.

Due to me bumping into him, my phone had fallen to the ground.

“Sorry.” I bent down to get it.

Another man picked it up and handed it to me. This guy was wearing the same dark blue robes. However, he was a mountain—heavy shoulders and a face that was the size of three heads. He must’ve been close to 7ft. I didn’t know who he was, but he could give Snow and Dutch a run for their money.

I stepped back and took him in.

Long ago, someone had slashed and sliced at the big man’s face. Old scars decorated his cheeks, forehead, and chin. He’d lost his right eye. A blue and gold ball rested in its place.

The only reason I didn’t scream was the huge wooden cross around his neck. It made me think he was a holy man, even though his face suggested a criminal’s life.

“Thank you.” I took the phone and backed up into someone else. “What the—?”

I spun around and froze.

How did he get over here?

The old man that was meditating with a Bible under the tree, now stood in front of me. And these monk guys were with him. They gazed his way as if waiting for an order. Two more blue robed men joined them and surrounded me.

God, what did I do to deserve this day? Are you trying to send me some sort of sign?

Raising my hands in the air, I stood in the center of their circle. “I apologize if I’ve offended anyone or—”

“What’s wrong?” The old man gave the Bible to the Mountain Man. “Since you’ve arrived at the park, there’s been only sadness and desperation radiating off you.”

I kept my hands up. “I’m actually about to leave so you can go back to meditating.”

“Do you meditate?”

“I’ve tried. I don’t think I can do it.”

“Try again until it works.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks so much and have a nice day.” Keeping my hands up, I tried to walk between the men.

They blocked me.

I turned around and looked at the old man. “Why won’t they let me leave?”

“Because you still haven’t answered my question.” He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I stepped to the side.

“Lower your hands.”

I did as he said.

Wind whipped and blew by, swaying the branches and making the trees dance for a few seconds. Cawing, the crows scattered and soared into the air.

The old man smiled and gazed up at the blue sky. “Did you know that crows are highly intelligent creatures?”

“No.” I shrugged. “I didn’t know that.”

He watched the crows fly away.

I looked at the empty tree. The wind whipped again. A few brown leaves fell, sprinkling down to the ground.

The man continued, “Crows can recognize individual humans.”

“That’s good, but—”

“It’s too beautiful of a day for you to be so scared and desperate. Can you find one cloud in the sky?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for this.”

The old man placed his gaze on me. “No time to look at the sky. Why not?”

“Because I have things to do and problems and. . .what do you want?”

He folded his hands in front of him. “Let’s play a game.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for games either.”

“It’ll be a role play situation.”

“Role play?”

He pointed to me. “You’re the damsel in distress and I’m you’re knight in shining armor.”

“I’m fine. Thanks.”

“You’re not, so I’m going to help you.”

I blinked.

“I’m your hero today.”

“You don’t know me.”

“Sometimes, the beggar ends up being an angel, and you’ve placed a dollar in his hand and earned your wings. Sometimes, the lost child that you take to their crying mother was chosen by God to test you.” He gave me a warm smile. “Who has you so desperate, so in need to be saved?”

I let out a long breath. “Thank you. . .for caring, but my problems were definitely not assigned by an angel. It’s the devil today.”

“No. The angels are busy. I asked God to give me someone to help today so that my sins can be forgiven. And then, you walked up to me.” He pointed to my pajama top. “Surely, that’s a sign.”

I looked down at the pattern of dark blue Cookie Monsters floating in a baby blue sky and munching on chocolate chip cookies. “What’s the sign?”

The Mountain Man next to him spoke, “All of the blue you’re wearing. That’s the sign.”

I snapped my view to him. “You all like blue?”

“Blue chose us,” the old man said. “And now I’ve chosen you. Let’s eat breakfast. There, you can tell me about your problems.”

I widened my eyes. “I have an appointment.”

“You’re lying.” He pointed to the restaurant next to my dad’s apartment building. “Let’s eat. You’re waiting around this area for someone. I am too. Let’s wait together.”


