Beautiful Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113934 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 570(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

Why did girls think that turned on guys?

“I am. Is there something I can help you with?”

The brunette walked up closer. “No, but I bet we could help you with something.”

This was not happening. When did women start throwing themselves at men?

“Oh, yeah?” I asked with a forced smile. “What’s that?”

The blonde twirled her hair with her finger while she raked her eyes over me. I’d never felt so uncomfortable in my own skin before.

“Shell and I both love football. Never miss a game.”

I nodded. “That’s…great. Always glad to have fans.”

“Wyatt, we want to have some fun. A little threesome or maybe even get one of your football buddies to join in.”

I was almost positive my mouth dropped to the floor. “Seriously?”

With a wink, the blonde slowly ran her tongue along the top of her teeth. “What’s your phone number, baby? And we’ll arrange the whole thing.”

Other players on the team had warned me about some girls on campus. They would do anything just to say they had slept with a Baylor football player.

“Sorry, ladies, I’m not the least bit interested.”

The brunette laughed. “Not interested? Are you for real?”

Gathering up my books, I stood and started putting them in my backpack.

“I’m very much in love with my fiancée, and I have no desire to be with either of you.”

The blonde jumped off the table, wearing a stunned expression.

“Is it safe to say not many guys turn you ladies down?” I said with a chuckle.

“Your fiancée doesn’t even have to find out. It can be just the three of us. I promise, you won’t regret it.”

Stepping around her, I stopped and looked directly into her green eyes. “Oh, I promise I would regret it. Someday, ladies, when you meet a guy you want to settle down with, ask yourself this. How would he answer you if you asked him the same question? Better yet…would you ask him?”

As I walked away, I heard the blonde say under her breath, “Asshole.”

Rolling my eyes, I quickly headed out. I’d thought, when we’d left high school, these kinds of games would stop. Pulling my phone out, I called Skylar.

“Hey! I was about to call you and see where you wanted to go for pizza.”

“I love you, Skylar.”

“Um…I love you, too. Is everything okay?”

With a smile, I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “Knowing you’re mine, everything is perfectly beautiful.”


* * *


SKIP AND WYATT hit it off, just like I had known they would.

Wyatt seemed to be very attentive, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the way Skip had been talking earlier or if something had happened at the library. Whatever it was, he made sure to be touching me in some way or another the entire time we were at Shorty’s Pizza Shack.

My cheeks were burning from smiling and laughing so much. I hadn’t laughed this much in a long time. Skip had a way of doing that. I was so happy he was here.

“Are you planning on making the Marines your career, or do you want to get out when your time is up?” Wyatt asked.

“Nah, I think, for now, I’ll be staying in. I’ve had a lot of changes the last few months, and I see a change in my future with the Corps.”

Lifting my eyebrow, I asked, “What kind of change?”

Skip winked. “The kind I can’t talk to you about.”

“Nice,” Wyatt said, tipping the Coke bottle against his lips.

I began to chew on the corner of my lip. “Skip, you’re not going to be doing anything dangerous, are you?”

He gave me a look that made my chest tighten.

“Oh God,” I whispered.

Wyatt took my hand in his. “I’m sure your brother knows what he’s doing.”

“Sky, I don’t want you worrying about me. You concentrate on school.” He turned his attention to Wyatt. “That means you study. Your number one concern is school. Nothing else.”

Moving about uncomfortably, Wyatt cleared his throat. “Why do I feel like that was directed toward me?”

“Because it was,” Skip said with an evil smile.

Reaching across the table, I hit Skip on the arm. “Stop it. Wyatt and I both know our priorities. Hence, the reason we are waiting to get married after college.”

Skip huffed. “And sex?”

Wyatt choked on his bite of pizza.

“What about it?” I asked. I was not about to let my brother step over the line when it came to my private life, especially with how he lived his own life.

“Are you on the pill?” Glancing over to Wyatt, he pointed, “And are you wrapping your stick?”

My eyes widened in shock. Opening my mouth to talk, I realized I was stunned into silence.

Wyatt got a drink of water and leaned forward, looking directly at my brother as he cleared his throat. “I appreciate the fact that you’re Skylar’s older brother and that you have her best interests at heart. What I need you to understand though is, I love your sister, and I put her happiness first, above all else. Are we having sex? Yes. Is it really any of your business? No, it is not. We both have degree plans set in place, we’ve talked about our future, and we have started making plans. I’m getting my mechanical engineering degree, and Skylar is getting her degree in history, maybe even moving on to law school. We have our priorities straight.”


