Beautiful Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113934 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 570(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

“I am. I’m blissfully okay.”

“The hell you are!”

I cringed when I heard Michelle’s voice. She walked up next to me and stood there. I could almost feel the heat from her stare.

“Good morning, Michelle,” my mother said with a chuckle.

“Morning, Lynn. Excuse me while I kick your daughter’s behind.”

Making an O with her mouth, Mom lifted her hands and flipped the bacon.

“You did that on purpose, Sky!”

I plastered on a sweet look. “Did what?”

“Made me use the hall bath.”

I was positive the smile on my face showed my guilt. “I got up first.”

Shaking her head, Michelle pointed to me. “You knew Mitch would walk into the bathroom. You knew!”

I covered my mouth. “Oh no! You weren’t showering, were you?”

Her mouth fell open, and my mother made a tsk sound.

“You evil thing. I thought you were my best friend.”

With a tilt of my head and a bigger smile, I replied, “I am!”

The head shaking started again. “Mitch walked in right as I was stepping out of the shower. Butt-Ass. Naked.”

I leaned in close and whispered, “Well, it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before.”

Michelle’s eyes about jumped out of her head. She opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out. Snapping her mouth shut, she closed her eyes and took in a few deep breaths.

When she finally opened them, I drew in a breath. The hurt in her eyes left me wordless.

“Sky, you don’t understand how painful it is to even be near him. But to see him look at me with desire was almost too much to take. A part of me wants to give in to him, but the other part—the part that is broken and bruised—won’t let me.” With a deep breath, she pleaded, “Please stop forcing this. Please.”

My gaze drifted from Michelle to my mother. She had an I-told-you-so look on her face.

Focusing back to Michelle, I took her hands in mine. “I’m sorry. I know I can’t fix it, and I have no right to try to.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “No, you don’t. And it can’t be fixed.”

I wanted to ask her if she meant it couldn’t be fixed now…or ever. I let it go.

“I’m sorry. I won’t butt in to your business again.”

A small smile pulled at the edge of her mouth. “Thank you.” Michelle dropped my hands and faced my mother. “Now, what needs baking?”

While my mom quickly set off to show Michelle what she could help with, I sat still in the chair. A feeling of dreadfulness washed over me, and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was the idea of Michelle and Mitch being over for good.

Or is it my own future I’m worried about?


* * *


I RUSHED INTO my dorm and quickly packed a bag since I was heading to Skylar’s place for the weekend. I wasn’t sure why I’d thought this semester would be any different. We might not have any games, but Coach was keeping us busy. I dreaded when spring practice would start up.

“Hey, Smith. Some chick stopped by here, looking for you.”

I stopped packing the bag and turned to look at Jonathon Pike, my roommate. “Who was she? Did she say what she wanted?”

He shrugged. “Just said she was looking for you. Didn’t leave her name or a message, but, dude, she was fucking hot as hell.”

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “If she stops by again, tell her I’m with my girlfriend. Matter of fact, if anyone other than Skylar stops by, that is the response you give them.”

He jerked his head in acknowledgment. “So, if she was just wanting a fuck, you care if I try?”

Yep, that was my roommate. Only interested in one thing.

“Have at it, Jon.”

He fist-pumped and then grabbed his gym bag. “I’m off to pump iron.”

“I’m off to Skylar’s. I’ll probably be there all weekend, maybe into next week also. The place is all yours, buddy. Do what you wish, but stay the hell off my bed.”

Jonathon rolled his eyes. “Dude, it was one time.”

“One time too many.”


The roar of laughter coming from the living room caused me to finish up my beer with one long drink. I was going to have to ask Nathan, an older teammate of mine, to bring me more, considering I was underage and couldn’t buy it. I never asked my older teammates to buy me beer. I didn’t even really enjoy drinking it, but tonight, I needed it. At least I’d told myself I did.

The sound of the sliding glass door pushing open had me looking over my shoulder.

“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Skylar’s eyes immediately landed on the beer. “Where’d you get that from?”

I shrugged. “Nathan brought me some.”

Her brows constricted. “Nathan was here? When?”

“You were busy in the kitchen, entertaining Michelle and her…guest.”

I hated that Zeb had been hanging around Skylar’s apartment the last few days. The only good thing was, I could tell he was totally hung up on Michelle and playing for her affections.


