Beautiful Beast 2 Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 91049 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 455(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“And yet the oracles say Coralo is the one. How, Mother, how?”

I look up at the purple sky and sigh. My father and I need to talk when he returns. He’s gone to another realm. I expected him back by now.

However, some realms have different timing. What is a day to us could be weeks to years where he has traveled. I can only have patience. He wouldn’t tell me where he was going.

“Prince Argon, Prince Argon. You must hurry. It’s the king.”

I turn to find one of the castle guards rushing toward me.

“What has happened to my father?”

“Helenier has warned that he’s in danger. You must come now. We need you to approve the warriors to go to him.”

“I will give no such order,” I say and stand.

“But Prince Argon, they cannot go without a royal sanction. Not unless we have concrete proof of—”

“I will go,” I say firmly, cutting him off.

Chapter 3

Take His Place


I step through to the realm my father’s essence has led me to. His presence reaches out to me the moment my feet land on solid ground. I can also sense the enchantment of my surroundings.

Looking up at the old castle, I narrow my eyes. I take a step forward and a wall of flames rises to block my path. I lift my arm to shield my face, the heat pulsing against me. The scent of the scorching flames singes my nostrils.

I frown and lift my other palm to extinguish the fire. I continue forward through the smoke that begins to rise from the doused flames.

Stepping over the scorched ground, I make my way up the front steps to the large castle-like structure. The castles in my home are vaster and more ornate. This looks more like one of the old structures my people left behind as they fled lands like these so long ago.

I’ve only seen holograms from those times. Most warn those are days to be forgotten. As a boy, I’d always wondered why.

I lift a hand to knock at the large wooden entryway but unclench my fist and wave my palm instead. The doors burst open before me, slamming against the wall from the force of my strength—albeit just a small measure. The sound reverberates through the open empty space of the foyer I move into.

I come to a halt the moment I cross over the threshold. There’s power here. Power, unlike the simple enchantment I encountered outside.

Within these walls, there is a presence that could match my own or, dare I say, a power that may rival mine. It’s almost oppressive as it seeps from the walls.

A chill runs through me. My muscles coil for battle as an unseen threat lurks somewhere within this place. I can feel it in my bones.

“What have you gotten yourself into, Father?” I mutter the words to myself.

A rumble fills the air, causing me to look around the large foyer. A voice sounds, echoing through the halls, but the words it speaks aren’t clear. It’s like the voice resonates through the castle.

“Reveal yourself,” I command.

A laugh fills the air. Not a masculine one, but that of a woman. Something about the sound raises the hairs on the back of my neck. Not in fear, it’s… I’m not sure what to name the feeling that fills me.

“You dare enter my home and make demands?”

A figure appears at the top of the balcony, overlooking the double staircase. A hood shrouds their face as a long robe covers their body. Even from here, I can tell this being is smaller than I am. Although the men from my world would be considered giants to some.

“Hand over my father and we will be gone.”

“Your father?” From the movement, I assume their head tilts to the side beneath the hood. “You mean the thief?”

“My father has no reason to steal.”

“And yet he has. Your kind has no respect for other people’s personal space or property. Your father will pay the price for his intrusion.”

“Where is he?” My voice booms off the walls. My own power pulsing along with my temper.

The being reaches out a hand and an orb of light appears. I turn my attention to the ball of illumination and an image of my father behind bars appears. He looks weak and sickly. A version of my father I’ve never seen before.

I bare my teeth and growl. “Release him.”

“He will pay for his transgression. He remains here. It’s the price he will pay for trying to take that which isn’t his,” her voice vibrates with a shrewdness.

“I will pay his debt. Tell me the price,” I reply.

“Some prices are greater than one is willing to pay. This, I am sure, will be the case for you. Leave and don’t return.”

“There is no price too great. Name your bounty. It will be given,” I say, my voice rumbling through the foyer.


