Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Kiss me before you go,” she whispers. She looks so fucking beautiful in my bed. I oblige, gently taking her mouth and kissing her tenderly.

Feeling the tenderness in her kiss makes it even harder to leave her. But I force myself out of the room and meet Lars in the underground parking garage.

“What the fuck time of the night do you call this?” he grumbles, looking tired. “I was three strokes away from Valhalla when I got your text.”

“I’m sure whoever it was will forgive you,” I say, sliding onto my bike.

“She’s not the one who missed out. I’m a giver not a taker, my friend. She already had two mind-blowing orgasms. It’s my balls who are the victims here. They’re as blue as a reindeer’s testicles at Christmas time.”

Same, brother.

He grabs his crotch and has to readjust.

“Fucking hot rocks,” he grumbles with pain.

“Princess,” I mutter, starting the Harley.

He flashes his middle finger to me as he starts his bike.

We take it easy out of the clubhouse and then roar into the late night, making it to the address Sheriff Coulter sent me in fifteen minutes. We pull into a double-story house near the college.

I don’t know what to expect, but the tone in the sheriff’s voice tells me it’s going to be unpleasant.

Lights from three patrol cars and two ambulances light up the night sky.

The air is tight with tension. Like a storm is coming.

On the front lawn, one of the sheriff’s deputies comforts a young college girl who is sobbing uncontrollably.

“How could this happen? I was only with them a few hours ago at the bar.” She sobs. “How are they all dead?”

I find the sheriff inside talking with another deputy.

“Follow me,” he says, his face ashen. “They’re in the living room.”

Lars and I follow him through the modest three-bedroom home into the living room where I immediately notice the young woman sitting on the couch. She looks like she could be watching TV. Except her head is dropped forward and she’s clearly dead.

I crouch in front of her and look at the same crystal blue eyes I saw two days ago when I was standing over the dead girl beside the dumpster.

In front of her on the floor is another girl. College age. Pale lips. Blue, unseeing eyes. Gone.

“If you’re thinking the irises change color during death, then you’re right,” Beaver says from across the room where he is taking the temperature of a third body. He rises to his feet. “One of the components in the synthetic phantasia blows the irises at death, creating this otherworldly blue color.”

I look around the room at the dead. Three lives gone because of the drug the Psychos have brought to our town.

My fingers twitch at my side. We’ve waited too long.

We need to get this shit off the street now.

“Goddammit to hell. What a fucking goddamn mess.”

The livid male voice draws my attention away from the bodies, and I turn around in time to see Mayor Boney storm into the room.

“You,” he seethes, the moment he lays eyes me. “Of course you’re involved with this.”

“This has got nothing to do with the Knights,” I say.

But Boney ignores me. “Of course you’d say that. You don’t want the blowback from three dead college kids.”

He looks around the room at the dead. Sweat beads his brow. He’s agitated. Probably worried because this is election year and this might cost him voters.

But I can already see the cogs turning in his mind.

He’s going to use this to fuel his campaign against the club. Use the tragedy to his advantage.

But I’m going to make sure no one is going to blame this massacre on the Knights.

And it is a massacre.

A trigger pulled when the drugs were sold to these college kids.

I take a step closer, and Boney’s face shimmers with mild panic. His hate-filled eyes gleam with a mix of fear and rage.

“This is not because of us. Our product doesn’t kill people.”

“No, it just makes them chase the high, and when they can’t get the real stuff, they go for the cheap shit that stops their hearts and blows their eyes at time of death so they look like something out of a goddamn horror show.” He’s worked himself into a froth. “I will tell you this. I won’t rest until I have you run out of town.” He glances at Lars and then back to me. “You and your club of criminals.”

When he storms away, Lars has to stop me from going after him and breaking his neck.

Because right now, my darkness wants to come out and play.

“Wanna call Church?” Lars asks as we climb on our bikes.

It’s almost one thirty. I shake my head. “Let the boys sleep. I have a feeling they’re going to need it. We’ll meet in a couple of hours.” I ignite my engine. “I’m going for a ride.”


