Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

I reach for my seatbelt and pull it across my body, clipping it into place. “I think you’re overestimating Beast’s feelings for me. You make it sound like he’d set fire to anyone or anything standing between him and his revenge on Gaston.”

“No, you’re the one underestimating what he feels for you.”

I consider telling her that Beast and I aren’t in a real relationship. That this is an arrangement only. Feelings aren’t involved. But I don’t want to betray Beast, so I keep my mouth shut. It’s better for him to tell her when he’s ready.

“Are you telling Ryder what happened?”

For the first time since meeting her, I see the inner conflict in her expression. She wants to tell her husband. Probably for the same reasons as me. We want our men to hunt down Gaston and pulverize him into a thousand tiny pieces.

She clips her seatbelt into place. “No, I won’t.”

I bite my lip as I weight up the options. “I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s up to you, Punchy. Normally, I would say tell him because I don’t like keeping things from my old man. But in this case, you need to consider if it’s information he needs to hear right now when his focus needs to be elsewhere.”

She has a point.

As much as I want to tell him what just happened, I don’t want him to go off half-cocked and get himself killed.

“I won’t tell him,” I say, and I see the relief in her eyes as well as a smidge of appreciation. She could be manipulating me. But I doubt it. She has nothing to gain from it. Besides, I can see the concern for Beast in her eyes. She loves him. And she genuinely wants me to do what’s best for him.

“Good,” she says, as she starts the car engine. “Now you’re talking like an old lady fit for a prez.”

“Let’s not get too excited,” I say, already doubting my decision to keep my mouth shut.

She pulls out into the street and we head toward the clubhouse.

“And honey, just so you know…” She gives me a sideways glance. “If Beast ever finds out Gaston laid a finger on you today, he’ll do more than burn down anything standing between him and his revenge. He’ll burn down the entire fucking world.”



The trick to being a good president is knowing when to shoot someone in the face and when to bite your fucking tongue. Unfortunately, today I have to bite my fucking tongue. I can’t hurt Boney for destroying the Knights fundraiser. I can’t break down the door and make him eat my gun, no matter how much I want to blow his brains out via the back of his head.

Because as president I have to look at the bigger picture and weigh up every move. Our focus is to take down the Psychos fake phantasia trade and I can’t risk any heat from the law while we’re cutting off the head of that snake.

So Boney will have to wait.

Well, not completely.

I might not be able to hurt the guy.

But I can send him a message to let him know retribution is coming.

Thanks to word on the street, I know he’s hosting the annual St. Boniface Mayor’s Luncheon. An exclusive event where rich people talk about themselves and how great they are, while drinking champagne and eating canapes that cost more than a week’s rent to some.

It’s held on the lawn of his multi-million-dollar estate. An ostentatious mansion with immaculately clipped green lawns and a sparkling pool the size of a football field, all paid for by the corruption he hides so carefully from the town.

In less than an hour, guests will roll up in luxury cars. Out of towners. Investors. Strangers. And they will disappear behind the well-secured walls of the estate and enjoy their canapes and cocktail food in the fresh afternoon air.

Well, according to Boney’s plans.

The Knights, on the other hand, have a different plan.

Right on the dot of midday, a landscaping truck carrying two tons of steaming horse manure pulls onto his street, and despite a lot of arm waving and screaming from the security guards at the gate, it reverses onto Boney’s driveway and dumps the giant pile of manure right in the middle of it.

Flies and shit sprawl across the pristine white cement.

The gates open, and a furious Boney comes flying onto the street, eyes bulging, face red, and his white suit glowing in the sunlight. He starts screaming at the driver who looks unfazed. There must have been a mix up at the depot, he explains with complete apathy, something Boney will have to take up with the boss.

And when he does, Boris, the owner of the company will tell him to go fuck himself. He’s a regular at clubhouse parties and thinks the mayor is an asshole.


