Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

I wish I knew more about them. Who they were. What they were like. Did they have hobbies?

I spent a lot of my childhood trying not to think about them. Because I couldn’t remember a thing about them and it made me feel guilty.

Strangely enough, being here makes me feel close to them, and I can’t understand why. It’s probably because my life has been flipped on its ass and it makes me long for the comfort of family.

Something I’ve craved for as long as I can remember.

“I don’t appreciate you being such a pain in the ass,” Beast says, catching up to me in two strides of his giant legs.

“And I don’t appreciate being treated with disrespect.” I swing around to face him. I may have decided to be a better fake queen, but that doesn’t mean I am going to let him boss me about. “Is this what it will be like when we are married? You bossing me around like a caveman? Why don’t you just hit me over the head and drag me into your cave.”

He grits his teeth. “Don’t think it isn’t tempting.”

I hate that he has the upper hand. That I am indeed at his beck and call. But while that might be true, I will not go down without a fight. I don’t mean physically, I could never match his brute strength. No, I will have to use my wits if I am to get the ball in my court somehow.

I cross my arms. “Why did you summon me, anyway?”

“We need to discuss some matters.”

“Does it involve you letting me go?”

He gives me a pointed look. “No.”

“Then I’m sorry, but I am currently too busy to talk.”

I try walking away again but his thundering voice stops me. “Don’t take another step, or so help me God, little one.”

The power in his voice sends a trail of goosebumps across my skin.

Despite hating him, I do as I’m told.

“I don’t know if I made myself clear yesterday, but the two of us convincing the high council of this club that this union is real is the only thing keeping your uncle alive.”

My jaw tightens. “How could I forget.”

“Then you can see my dilemma when I send the prospect to fetch my fiancé and she all but tells me to go fuck myself.”

“I’m pleased I got my point across.”

“Are you trying to irritate me to death?”

I perk up. “Is that an option?”

He looks like he’s going to blow a fuse. “Why can’t you do something I tell you to do, just for once?”

“Perhaps if you asked politely.”

“Not going to happen,” he grits out.

“Then you’d better do something to help ease your stress levels, bike gangster,” I say turning away from him.

He grabs my wrist and swings me around to face him. “You’re going to be my wife.”

“That’s right, I will be your wife. Ever heard the phrase happy wife, happy life? You’d do well to remember it.”

“And you would do well to remember who is in charge here.”

I roll my eyes because I don’t think people do that to him. “Now we’re just going around in circles. Why did you summon me, Prince Charming?”

He tries to keep his cool. “Every year the Knights hold a fundraising cookout for the hospital. Tonight’s the night. And you’re to accompany me as my girlfriend.”

“Lucky me,” I grumble.

“The feeling is mutual,” he grumbles back.

“You know what, we’ve never even been on a date. You’ve never asked me for anything. Just told me to stand there and do that.” I shake my wrist free. “Invite me on a date, Beast, and then maybe we can talk.”

“You are not in control here.”

“That’s where you are wrong. You can tell me what to do and blackmail me until the cows come home. But I am in control of how I feel about that and how I react to it.”

“Then you’d better start saving your pennies, little one. Because medical care is expensive.”

I glare at him. “You asshole.”

“That’s right, I am an asshole. But that’s not the worst of what I am. You don’t have any idea of what I am capable of. So start behaving.”

Our gazes connect. Mine blazing with resentment. His dark with wildfire.

I should look away. Give in. But I will die of old age before I let him get the better of me.

“Ask me nicely,” I demand, my eyes narrowed on him. “And I mean very nicely.”

He thinks for a moment and his eyes sharpen in response. “Join me tonight as my date for the fundraiser.”

I cock an eyebrow. “You’ll have to do better than that, I’m afraid.”

“Goddammit, woman,” he mutters.

Because I’m determined to make this as awkward for him as possible, I say, “Ask me properly. Like you would ask me on a date.”

Beast lifts his brows. “I don’t date.”


