Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

Peter turned at the door, eyes lingering on Jo in that way that was starting to corrode Cam’s patience like battery acid.

“See ya.” Jo smiled and waved before turning back to Cam with a smile. “Hi, you. I wasn’t expecting to see you until tonight.”

Cam couldn’t wait another second. He had watched her lips moving long enough without tasting them, without feeling them move under his. He wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and lowered his mouth to hers, eating up whatever she’d been about to say. She opened for him, her mouth hot and slick inside. The slide of their tongues together was a wordless conversation he’d wanted to have with her all day. He skated his hands under the loose silk of her dress, gripping the muscles in her long legs.

“These legs.” He pressed the words against her lips, into her smile before she pulled back to peer up at him. She traced a nail over the buttons of his shirt.

“The first time I noticed you noticing me was at that pool party when I was fifteen.” Her steady stare faltered like she was afraid she’d made it up. “Do you remember?”

“You wore a bright red bikini with pink daisies.”

Relief flashed on her face for a moment before she covered it up with an easy smile.

“Yeah. That was it.”

“I couldn’t take my eyes off you all night.” Cam slid his hands from her legs to cup her ass under the dress, bare save the thong. “This right here had every guy at the pool hard as a rock.”

Jo’s eyes drifted down his chest and to the floor, a smile toying with the corners of her lips.

“You like my butt?”

“I like mangos in my salsa.” He splayed his fingers over the cheeks in his hands, stroking his pinky finger over that lucky strip of flesh between her butt and her thighs. “I’m infatuated with your ass.”

Her eyes dragged back up his chest until they reached his face. There was the kind of confidence Jo wore like her decadent lingerie, under her clothes, laying against her skin and girding her. Hidden, private. And then there was the confidence a woman gained from knowing her man desired her above all others. That she wore like an accessory. A piece of jewelry to flash, something jangling around her wrists and making noise. He wanted to see that on Jo. After all the years he’d held back with her, he wanted her to be sure of him.

“Just my ass?”

Cam looked around her back at his hands conspicuously under her dress.

“I’d say that’s plenty.”

“Why, you—”

A throat clearing at the door cut off Jo’s laugh and whatever she’d been about to say. She stepped out of his arms and turned her back to him. Cam tried his best not to grin at the discomfort on Shaundra’s face.

“Um…” Shaundra finally looked up, meeting his eyes and not Jo’s. “I just wanted to let you know I was able to do what you asked, Cam.”

Jo looked up and over her shoulder at him.

“What you asked? What’d you ask my assistant to do?”

“Thanks, Shaundra. You can go now.”

“Shaun, wait.” Jo turned to face him. “What’s going on?”

“I asked Shaundra to clear your schedule for the rest of the day.”

“But it’s only three o’clock.” Jo faced her assistant. “What about Ms. Jennings from the Arts Society?”

“Canceled.” Shaundra shifted her eyes between Cam and Jo like she wasn’t sure who to focus on.

“And the preliminary meeting with the caterer for next month’s brunch at four-thirty?”


“Call them back. We have to—”

“Bye, Shaundra. Close the door behind you.” Cam turned Jo around by her shoulders to face him. “Jo, not one of those appointments is urgent. I wouldn’t have had Shaundra cancel if she hadn’t told me that.”

“But I can’t get behind. Those appointments will just get shifted to next week, and next week is even busier than this week.”

“And this week is busier than last week.” Cam ran a finger under her eyes. “You’re tired, baby. You need rest and you need some fun.”


“There’s no but.” Cam reached behind her again, grabbing her ass and drawing her close. “Unless you count this one.”

Her lips twitched, but her eyes held on to the case she was building.

“Cam, I can’t let up right now. We just need to push these first adoptions through, and then I’ll rest.”

“No, you’ll rest while you push these first adoptions through, Jo.” He ducked his head, capturing her eyes. “Meeting with that caterer or the arts lady what’s her name will not slow down the adoption process.”

Jo nodded, bit her lip, and glanced at the laptop on the conference room table.

“You’re going home to rest.” Cam nodded his head toward the laptop. “And that is not coming with us.”

“Us?” Jo raised one dark brow. “So you’re coming home with me?”


