Baby I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 452(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

“You could have a point there. Though I prefer to do other things after dark,” I sigh as I transition, “speaking of ‘other things,’ do you remember that guy I told you about last fall? The one who rocked my world for three days straight before disappearing without so much as a ‘thanks for the orgasms’?”

“The private equity jerk?” She snorts. “Yeah, I remember. I could have told you he would. Private equity men are the worst, even here. And we have regulations to prevent them from being as ruthless as they are in the States.”

“Yeah, well, allegedly he’s a fairly ethical businessman—according to my friend’s fiancée, anyway—he’s just a dick when it comes to romantic relationships. I ran into him on the beach after Sydney’s wedding reception last night, and he didn’t even try to apologize for the vanishing act. He acted like I was the crazy one.”

Grace makes a disgusted sound. “Did you tell him to go fuck himself?”

“I did, actually.” I grin, remembering the stunned expression on Hunter’s face fondly. “But then he told me that he’d come back to Maine specifically to see me…and to make me an offer he hoped I couldn’t refuse.”

She hums beneath her breath. “Color me intrigued.”

I lay it all out for her—the dying mother, the fake engagement, the baby, the contract, the money, the apartment in New York, the agreement to add an addendum to keep my café running until we know everything is going to work out as planned.

With each detail, Grace’s silence grows heavier until I can’t help begging, “Say something? Please? Tell me I’m not crazy for actually considering this.”

“Crazy? Friend, this is so crazy I need a word that means more than just normal crazy, but I can’t think of one.” Her voice crackles with disbelief. “Elaina, that is wild! And strange and… I can’t believe he thinks his mother would want him to have a child that way and never see the poor thing again. He’s deluded.”

“I had a similar response last night,” I admit, tugging at my ear as I sag onto my chaise lounge. “But he said his mom would never have to know that our relationship was fake, and that she really wants to know her family line isn’t going to die with Hunter before she passes. Apparently, all her other relatives are already dead because of some horrible, toxic place they lived when she was young. None of her sisters were even able to have children because of it, so Hunter really is the last chance for a future Mendelssohn.”

She makes a doubtful sound that’s very French. “Okay, I see. But still…it’s strange. And it doesn’t sit well for me.”

“I know, me neither.” I flop back against the cushions, the springs creaking in protest. The chaise, like most of my furniture, came from a yard sale, and is more shabby than chic. It doesn’t bother me, but looking around my apartment earlier, all I could think was how much more I’d be able to give a child if I took Hunter up on his offer. “But I’m still considering it. I’m dying to have a baby, and there’s no one around here with long-term potential. Or short-term potential, for that matter. I haven’t been on a date in months. There’s such a shortage of decent prospects that I just…gave up.”

“Giving up isn’t good,” she says. “You’re so beautiful and fun and talented, Elaina. I told you, you should move to Quebec! You can work for me to earn your visa, and I’ll find you a fabulous boyfriend in no time.”

“Thank you, but I can’t,” I say, though I’m touched by the offer. “I couldn’t handle the cold, and my life is here. And with Hunter financing the move to New York, I’ll get to be closer to my friends, something I could never afford to do without help. And, once he’s out of the picture, the dating pool will be much larger in a big city.”

She makes a more intrigued sound this time. “That’s true. And New York has so many fantastic things to see and do. Even if you didn’t find someone to share your life with, you would never be bored. And being closer to friends is so important. I know you’ve been lonely since your girls moved away and your mama passed.”

“I have,” I say, watching Captain Crunchypants make his way to the chaise, his back end swaying like a drunk sailor’s. “There’s just not much for me here anymore.” I reach down to scratch his head. “Except the cats and the business, and I can take Hunter up on his offer without risking those things. I mean, maybe I’m missing something, but as far as I can figure, I don’t have much to lose. And there’s so much to gain.”


