Bad for You Read Online J. Daniels (Dirty Deeds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance, Tear Jerker Tags Authors: Series: Dirty Deeds Series by J. Daniels

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 126602 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 633(@200wpm)___ 506(@250wpm)___ 422(@300wpm)

Tori cocked her head and grinned. “Well, two of us have connections to the best surf shop in Dogwood…I was thinking you boys could pull a few strings.”

“I’m feelin’ used,” Jamie mumbled.

Tori elbowed him.

He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, making her giggle.

“We’ll let you advertise for free,” Syd informed Jamie. “You can put your stickers on everything and bring a few boards. It’s a win-win for you too.”

Brian chuckled. “Is it, Wild?”

Brian called his girl Wild. I didn’t understand why. Didn’t ask either. That was their business.

“Yes,” she said with emphasis, laughing. “And we already got the booths locked in. Tori called about them weeks ago. We just need you to help us get the DJ.”

“I think we can handle that,” Brian replied. He jerked his chin at Jamie. “We’ll make a few calls next week.”

“Won’t be a problem,” Jamie assured, earning himself a kiss from Tori.

“The only thing is, we’d have to work that day without getting paid.” Tori glanced around the table, saying, “I’m fine with that.”

“Me too,” Shayla put out.

“Anything for Nate,” Syd announced.

“Stitch, what do you think?” Tori asked.

There was nothing to think about. “Guy’s done a lot for me, shit he didn’t need to do…No question—I’m in.”

Tori beamed. “God, I am so glad you’re here!” she declared.

“No shit,” Jamie grumbled. “Between the four of you, that phrase has been uttered tonight every other fuckin’ minute.”

Everyone started laughing.

I looked at Shayla and saw she wasn’t laughing, but she was grinning while she worked on Jenna’s hair, no doubt agreeing with Tori’s statement.

The girls kept talking and throwing out more ideas for the carnival. Brian and Jamie listened and chimed in. I listened and stayed quiet, watching them interact, but mainly watching Shayla work because I liked doing that, until my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I was forced to quit watching her.

It was a text from Val. I read it.

Caroline fell at the park and split her lip. She’s okay but she needs stitches. We’re at PromptCare. She’s asking for you. U busy?

I stood from the chair and shoved my phone away.

“What’s up?” Shayla asked.

“Caroline fell and needs stitches in her lip. She’s fine, but she wants me there,” I said.

“Oh, that poor thing,” Shayla whispered.

All the women muttered something similar.

“Do you…uh…” Shayla looked at Jenna’s head, then peered over her shoulder at Tori before returning her gaze to mine. It was anxious.

I read it.

“Stay,” I told her, walking over to her side. My hand went to her neck and I bent down, pressing my mouth to her hair as I spoke. “Don’t rush what you’re doin’. I’ll go, text or call and let you know what’s goin’ on. Then you’ll see me later, yeah?”

Shayla had one hand in Jenna’s hair but with her other she squeezed my side. “Yeah. That’s perfect.”

“Good.” I leaned back, my hand on her neck tensed, and when it did, Shayla tipped her chin way up to look at me, granting access to her mouth. Getting that, I kissed her.

Someone gasped.

Someone shushed.

Jenna started laughing, and I knew that only because she was closest to me, and there was no mistaking it.

Brian commented with, “Jesus, babe, you cryin’ ’cause they’re kissing?”

Jamie threw out, “Big fuckin’ surprise there,” which got Shayla giggling against my mouth.

I pulled back and smiled at her. “Later.”

She winked. “Later.”

Then I said my goodbyes and thanked everyone for the invite, stood there while Syd, Tori, and Jenna took turns hugging me (I guess that was becoming a thing), shook Brian and Jamie’s hands while promising I’d stop by soon to get a board, and finally, I took off.

PromptCare wasn’t far from the house. I got there in fifteen minutes and was immediately taken back to the exam room once I showed my ID.

“Daddy!” Caroline was lying on the table with a rag on her mouth, and seeing me, she burst into tears.

I went to her.

“Oh, Caroline, you were fine until Daddy walked in the room,” Val shared. She was holding a sleeping Fiona, who began to stir, hearing her sister.

“Let me see, baby girl.” I pulled the rag away and examined Caroline’s mouth.

There was a tiny cut in the corner of her bottom lip she was bleeding from.

“The doctor will be in soon to stitch it up. I asked him to wait for you.”

I smiled at Caroline, then looked over at Val. “Thanks for lettin’ me know.”

Val frowned. “Of course. Thank you for coming.” She moved over to stand beside me. “I would’ve sent that text whether Caroline insisted you be here or not, Sean. I hope you know that.”

I stared at her, wondering what I had done to deserve the good she was showing me, but then I shut that thought down.

Thanks to Shayla, I knew.

“Daddy,” Caroline whined again.

I put my attention on my oldest, bending down and speaking to her gently, trying to calm her, and staying there even after the doctor came in and informed everyone on what he’d be doing.


