Bad Apple Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 59939 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

“And all you have to do in return,” Ben finishes, “is hang out with me for a while and let me crash here. The way I see it”—his tongue darts out and drags along my bottom lip—“you definitely get the better end of the deal, babe.”

“You don’t play fair,” I accuse.

“Like I said, never have.” He slides his hands underneath my shirt and cups my bare boobs.

A jolt of pleasure torpedoes into me.

“So, what’ll it be? All you’ve gotta do is give me a place to stay and you have your very own boy toy,” he teases. “You know it’s a damn good deal.”

I almost purr as he strokes my breasts and then tweaks my nipples playfully. It’s hard to think with his hands on my tits, but for the life of me, I can’t shrug them away. They feel too good against my flushed skin, the feel of his hard cock between my legs too damn tantalizing.

“Ground rules,” I manage to choke out.

The words surprise me. Ground rules? Am I actually agreeing to this?

Ben sighs. “Let’s hear them.”

“You don’t interfere with my job,” I say firmly. “And you don’t interrupt me when I’m studying.”

“Done. Is that it?” He lightly pinches one nipple with his fingers, and I gasp in delight. Damn him. Doesn’t he know that by doing that to me he’s turning my brain into mush? From the faint grin on his face, he definitely knows.

I make a frantic attempt to think of more rules, but none come to mind. Dammit. This is way too easy—for him. All he had to do was dangle the sex carrot under my nose and I was ready to take a bite out of it. There should’ve been a dozen reasons why letting Ben stay with me is a bad, bad idea, but somehow all those reasons elude me. It doesn’t help that he’s still fondling my breasts, and it definitely doesn’t help that my panties are completely soaked.

“Maggie?” he prompts.

His hands are still under my shirt, his fingers still caressing my painfully hard nipples. His erection remains pressed against my unbelievably wet pussy, and I’m no longer able to concentrate on anything but those sensations.

I suck in a breath and say, “Eight days, Barrett. Don’t complicate my life.”

“And the sex?”

I exhale in a rush. “You just said—anything I want, anytime I want it.” My fingers curl over his impossibly broad shoulders. “Well, I want it now.”



Without a word, I follow Maggie down the hall. She steps into the bathroom, then returns with a box of condoms in her hands, and I’m barely able to conceal my smile of satisfaction. Oh yeah. Not only have I managed to secure myself a place to stay away from the prying eyes of the press, I actually convinced Maggie to go to bed with me. Not an easy feat, considering she’s obviously a workaholic who views sex as a complication.

Fortunately, I am here to fix that.

We reach her bedroom. I stand in the doorway for a second, the smile finally reaching my lips when Maggie flops down on the bed and lies on her back. She’s wearing a loose cotton tank top and a pair of yoga pants, hardly an outfit that screams seduction, but something about the casual attire turns me on. I like that she doesn’t go to great lengths to doll herself up. The way she dresses reflects the no-nonsense attitude I get from her.

“Come here,” she orders, though her voice is equally throaty and apprehensive.

I step closer. “Should my clothes stay on or come off?”

“What kind of question is that? What do you think?”

Chuckling, I grip the hem of my T-shirt and then pull the material over my head.

Maggie’s eyes widen at the sight of my bare chest, and my cock jerks in response. No matter how annoying she claims to find me, she can’t deny her attraction and we both know it.

Unzipping my jeans, I slide them off and kick them aside. My cock happily springs up.

Her breath hitches. “No boxers?”

“I need to go shopping for clothes tomorrow.”

“You don’t need clothes. You’re much more attractive naked.”

I hold my hand to my heart and shoot her a mock smile. “Aw baby, was that a compliment?”

“Unfortunately.” She sighs dramatically. “I should’ve known better. Your ego’s big enough already.”

Buck-naked I approach the bed, frowning when she makes no move to undress. “Take off your clothes,” I command. “I feel at a disadvantage.”

“Take them off for me. You’re the boy toy, remember?” She gives a mischievous grin. “Besides, if you want to stay here, you need to earn the room and board.”

I can’t stop another chuckle. I like sassy women. I like this one in particular, but I suspect that’s because she isn’t deliberately trying to be sassy. She simply is.

“C’mon, Mr. Movie Star. Let’s see what you’ve got,” she taunts.


