Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“I usually have to sit down to do this,” I told him when he started to laugh.

Apple groaned as he got up, and I was attempting a second try at putting my foot into the hole on my panties when he was there.

He dropped down to one knee and my hand automatically went to his shoulder as he helped me get my panties on.

Pulling them up slowly, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my still growing belly.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.

My eyes closed in pleasure as he let his hands slip from the waistband of my underwear to move up to my belly where he cupped it as best as he could with both hands.

“I’ve been dying to do this,” he pressed another kiss just under my belly button.

And our daughter, the playful little thing that she was, immediately kicked out where he’d pressed his lips, and Apple’s eyes lit with pleasure.

“I never thought I’d see your badass self on your knees for me,” I whispered to him, letting my fingers play along the length of his beard.

It’d gotten longer over the last couple of months.

Where before it’d just barely been a slightly overgrown beard, probably only days past needing trimmed, now it was blatantly grown out…and I fucking loved it.

I wanted to feel that beard on my skin as he kissed every single inch of my body.

“Your eyes are on fire,” he looked up at me. “What are you thinking?”

I turned my face down to study his eyes, and I liked how he couldn’t stop his gaze from falling down to my unbound breasts before he tried to look me in the eyes again.

I had mercy on him and reached for a sports bra, one of the only things I found comfortable anymore, and pulled it on over my head.

“I think we need to get out of my room before this goes further than we should be going right now,” I told him honestly.

He laughed and pressed his thumb in, getting another nudge from our daughter.

“Are you excited?” He asked my stomach.

I assumed he was asking me that and not the baby, because I was sure that the child we’d made together never wanted to leave. She loved being exactly where she was.

Especially seeing as she was still head up, and I wasn’t dilated or effaced a single tiny bit.

According to my doctor, if she didn’t turn, they wouldn’t risk me trying a natural birth. He’d go straight to a C-section because he didn’t want to cause me any undue stress and accidentally throw me into a seizure.

Which would be bad.

I wanted to be awake for the birth of my child. Not in the comatose state that I always ended up in after my seizures.

“What are you thinking about up there?” Apple interrupted my worries.

I looked down at him and lifted my hand to run over his head.

His hair had a crease in it from where his cowboy hat sat atop his head for the entire day.

He was also still in his uniform, meaning he’d come over here directly after getting off of work.

“I was thinking about my birthing options,” I said honestly. “Yes, I’m excited, but I just hope it all goes according to plan, and I don’t have to end up having a C-section.”

His eyes shuttered as did his body as he stood.

Our baby had fallen asleep in the last couple of minutes of play, and I wanted to roll my eyes.

The kid did this every night. She slept for the hours before I went to bed, and then proceeded to keep me up for over five hours in the middle of the night while she rolled, kicked, and played.

Apple’s hands came up to cup my face, and he leaned in to place a kiss on my lips, but my phone rang.

He ignored it in favor of kissing me, and I couldn’t say I was upset about that.

His tongue pressed between my lips, curling up to tease the tip of my mine.

My hands tightened in his hair, which I hadn’t let go of when he stood, pulling him even closer into me.

His big body was bowed around mine, curling around my belly and pulling me as close as he could.

And when he finally let me go, my brain was fuzzy.

“Food,” I whispered, moving away from him to gasp in a breath.

He smiled just as my phone started ringing again.

“Guess someone’s looking for you,” he murmured.

I shrugged.

“Ridley knows you’re here,” I shrugged. “He wouldn’t bother to call to check on me.”

Apple grinned as he let go of me only long enough to grab my phone off the dresser that I’d brought with me from the bathroom, and answer it without looking at the caller ID.

I let go of him as I grabbed a t-shirt from the dresser drawer, smiling when I found my favorite on top.


