#BABYMAKER Read Online Cassandra Dee, Katie Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26627 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 133(@200wpm)___ 107(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

“I see,” was my low murmur, tears pricking the backs of my eyes. “So what’s next?”

He cleared his throat. Oh wow, was Dr. McSteamy actually a little bit nervous? It certainly seemed so, although in a flash, that handsome face was calm and composed again.

“I want to offer you a deal,” he said smoothly. “Sunset Medical’s services for free, so long as we can work something out.”

I sat back stunned. For free? This was a gift beyond my wildest dreams. I’d been anticipating a price discount of ten or twenty percent, so to suddenly realize that the services were gratis was an unexpected revelation.

“Free?” I croaked. “But how can you afford it? Aren’t the procedures expensive? All the medications and surgical tools as well? Just like you said,” I wondered, shaking my head with confusion.

Chase nodded in agreement.

“They are, but there’s a way to bypass all that.”

“What? How?” I asked, now truly confused. “I thought you said that even the drugs and sperm donation would add up, not to mention the extraction of eggs and whatnot.”

He nodded again, unperturbed, those blue eyes steady.

“That’s right sweetheart. But we’d bypass it by going about things the old-fashioned way.”

Now I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

“The old-fashioned way? But what does that mean?” I asked. “I thought Sunset Medical was on the cutting edge of reproductive medicine, so what does old-fashioned constitute?”

Dark streaks decorated those high cheekbones, his tanned skin a bit flushed. But still, the handsome doctor was rock solid and his voice calm and collected as he spoke.

“I mean that you and I would go about making a baby the old-fashioned way,” he said in a reasonable voice. “No drugs. No surgical procedures. And sperm donation the way it’s been done for millennia. My cock in your pussy, spurting as we both climax.”

My mouth dropped open, eyes bugging out. He had to be joking. Had to be. There was no other explanation.

But Dr. Roman read my mind and shook his head, eyes gleaming, body suddenly curiously still.

“It’s no joke, sweetheart. It’s a good offer and one that I’m making only to you. So what do you say? Are you in or out?”

My mouth snapped shut then because oh my god, he was serious. The handsome physician actually wanted me to spread my legs for him, moaning and squealing as he put his cock in. Then his sperm would release, finding my fertile eggs, and we’d have a baby together.

Holy shit. I should storm out of here, offended. In fact, I should report him to the medical board for ethics violations. But instead, my pussy tingled deliciously as I stared into his midnight blue eyes. Because Dr. Chase Roman is irresistible … and who am I to say no?



To say that Connie looked stunned was the least of it. The brunette’s eyes were as wide as saucers, almost like I’d just suggested that we fly off to the moon together in a hot air balloon. Or if I’d just proposed marriage as a solution to this crazy situation.

Because I’ve wanted to be a dad for a long time, and it was clear that marriage to a woman in NYC was out. The ladies here are too skinny and they don’t have the kind of values that I’d want my children to have. So for me, marriage was a long shot.

But who said that you have to tie the knot to start a family? That’s old school and unnecessary. And seeing Connie again only solidified my desire to be a dad without offering a diamond if it wasn’t necessary.

Because the brunette was perfect. Curvy and round, and a hard worker too. She was someone who wanted to get ahead in life, but somehow the stars hadn’t aligned just yet. Stuck in a boring secretarial job, her choices were limited. But that’s where I come in. As an established professional with money flowing from my pockets, I could make her dreams come true, provided that we come to a workable solution of course. And as I waited, Connie blinked again, her expression confused.

“I’m sorry?” she asked, dumbstruck. “What do you mean when you say ‘the old fashioned way?’”

I smiled silkily.

“What I mean is that I’ll take you the way men take women. You, nude and beautiful, parting your legs. And then I put my cock in your pussy and ejaculate, filling you with hot semen. You did say that you’ve had trouble with guys in the past right? Well sweetheart, say goodbye to your problems because trust me, I can get it up.”

She gasped, and I didn’t blame her. You can’t be more graphic than what I’d just said. But in my decades as a leader, I’ve realized that it pays to be upfront because otherwise, your words get twisted and the entire situation fucked-up.


