Baby for the Boss Read online Victoria Snow (The Office Affairs #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Office Affairs Series by Victoria Snow

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 75553 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)



After embarrassing myself in front of the CEO of the entire Anderson Group, I fled from Kelly’s office like a bat out of hell. My face was flushed bright red like a tomato as I ran past the other members of staff in the main office, including Kelly’s assistant, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. All I knew was that I needed to get away from that place and fast.

By the time I reached the elevator, I was hot all over and I pressed my forehead to the cool metal of the elevator wall. What on Earth were you thinking?! I chastised myself harshly. I couldn’t believe I had done something so stupid and so rash. If the consequences of my actions negatively affected Griff, I’d have no one to blame but myself.

I sighed and stood up straight. There was nothing I could do now; I just had to grin and bear it. Yet, when the elevator doors opened to the main lobby, I grew panicky again. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself away in the hotel room and bury myself under the covers. So, I ran all the way back to the hotel and locked myself in my hotel room. I was out of breath from the spontaneous flurry of exercise, so I headed for the bathroom to splash some water on my face. When I looked at my reflection, I was reminded that it wasn’t just me I needed to think about anymore.

My hands went down to my lower belly and cupped the tiny curve of a bump that I felt there. I need to take better care of myself, not just for me, but for the little one too, I thought with a sigh. I turned and sat down on the bed that Griff and I shared as I lamented losing my job. It was the worst time to be fired when I had another person’s future to think about. It wasn’t like I was highly educated or sought after in the field I worked in either. I was just a receptionist and I was pregnant. The thought made me groan. Who on Earth would want to hire a pregnant secretary?

I began to regret my actions. I couldn’t believe I’d even gone to Kelly in the first place. I hadn’t been thinking straight when I’d rushed to see her. I wasn’t sure if it was hormones or what, but I’d just felt so angry at her betrayal and I wanted to get some answers for why she did what she did. Now, however, I couldn’t help but think I might have just made things worse for everybody.

A knock at the door startled me and I stood up fast. Who the hell was at my door? It couldn’t be Griff. Griff was in Boston as far as I knew. So, just who would be showing up at my door? A worried voice in the back of my head told me that it could be Kelly. The thought made me tense up. If Kelly had come here to start a fight or get back at me for yelling at her, I wasn’t in the mood for it at all, especially since I was carrying a child too. I didn’t want to get even more stressed than I already was.

I ignored the knock and instead, pulled out my phone in an attempt to distract myself, but it didn’t work. The knock came again, more persistent this time, and I knew I had to answer. Otherwise, they might just keep knocking. If it was Kelly, I could just tell her to go away and slam the door in her face, right?

After taking a slow, deep breath, I approached the door and opened it just a fraction. “Hello?” I called through the crack. My eyes caught a glimpse of light from the hallway, but I couldn’t make out who was there. All I could see was the wallpaper.

“Miss Nelson?” a familiar voice replied. “Is that you?”

Hearing the male voice, I pulled the door open completely and smiled. I was so thankful it wasn’t Kelly here for round two that it hadn’t even dawned on me who the voice belonged to. I stared in shock at the last person I expected to be standing there: Mr. Anderson.

“Ah, it is you, Miss Nelson,” he remarked with a friendly smile. “I was hoping I could catch you before you went back to Seattle.”

His words only further confused me and I couldn’t help but just blurt out the first thing that came to my head. “But why?”

Mr. Anderson rubbed a hand over his balding head and looked at me with an unreadable expression. “I was wondering if you might join me for dinner tonight before you depart from the city,” he explained.

My mouth opened and closed like I was a goldfish. The request seemed to come out of nowhere, but I didn’t really have any objections to it. After all, I’d done all the damage I could do already, surely. My head was nodding before I spoke. “S-sure,” I told him. “That sounds nice.”


