Auctioned to the Pack Alpha – Highest Bidder Read Online Olivia T. Turner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24331 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

“Time for presents!” Caroline says as she walks in with a big one.

I kept in touch with Caroline and John after they helped me out. When everyone had turned their back on me and I had nowhere to stay, Caroline invited me into her home and I haven’t forgotten it. We ended up talking every week and she was so helpful with all of my new mom questions. She had been through it all with her twins and I ate up everything she said to me.

One night, when we were talking, we stumbled upon an amazing business idea. We created a company to rent out baby gear like clothes, strollers, car seats, toys, and everything else that new parents buy and then use for three months.

We were so excited that we started immediately. It took off like a rocket. We’re partners now and Baby's First Rentals just did its first six-figure year. Soon, we’ll be at seven figures.

I learned some valuable lessons the first time around which I’m applying here. We’re not raising any capital. We’re doing it bootstraps style and it’s working well.

But the most valuable lesson I learned was to pick your partners carefully. Caroline is a heck of a friend and a hell of a business partner. I’m glad I have her. We make a powerhouse of a team.

“Great job with the cake,” Warren whispers in my ear as Colin devours his piece.

Speaking of amazing partners, Warren has been the best. He’s an amazing dad and has endless energy. He lets me nap when I’m exhausted and is always up for piggyback rides or adventure quests or whatever Colin asks him to do.

Life on this ranch has been a dream. I always thought I was a city girl, but the Montana mountains are where I belong. It’s where my heart is.

“Can you believe we’re going to be doing this twice next year?” he whispers as his big hand slides over my swollen belly. I put my hand on his and smile.

“I can’t wait.”

“So, how did you two meet?” Dad asks in front of everyone. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard the story.”

I immediately turn beet red.

I’m not about to tell them that I was auctioning my virginity off to a room full of billionaires, but nothing is coming to mind.

“Um, we… a…”

“Online dating,” Caroline says, swooping in to save me. She knows the story and saves me from having to tell it. See what a good team we make?

“Anyone else want more cake?” she asks, quickly changing the subject. “What did you put in it to make it so moist?”

I start listing off ingredients as I thank her with my eyes. She gives me a little wink.

The auction house never returned. They never bothered us again. I don’t know where Coco St. James is now or what she’s up to, and I don’t want to know. I’m just glad they’re out of our lives for good.

“Online dating?” Warren whispers in my ear with a grin.

“Well, I wasn’t about to tell them the truth!”

“Probably a good call,” he says as he kisses my temple.

My heart soars while my mate holds me as we watch our little birthday boy smear chocolate cake over his face.

This is not where I expected my life to go. At all. But I wouldn’t change a thing.

It’s just too darn perfect.



Forty years later…

“We have to go,” I say with a grin as those big familiar hands start sliding up my ass.

“They have the key,” Warren grumbles in his husky voice as his lips kiss a trail along my neck.

I moan as I tilt my head to the side, exposing his mark. He kisses it and my whole body tingles. I love it when he does that.

“We can’t be late,” I say, even though I’m turning into him, sliding my hands up his arms, moaning with every kiss he gives me.

I’m protesting, but I know I’m about to do exactly what he has in mind. After all these years, I’m still willing to do anything for this man.

We spent the morning on horseback, riding through the mountains on our beautiful ranch. We stopped to feed the ducks on the lake, but now something else needs to be fed—the insatiable beast inside my man.

I can feel the intense need emanating off him as his hands slide under my shirt. I moan as he grabs my breasts, squeezing and massaging them like we’re kids again. These breasts have been through a lot—four hungry kids—but he enjoys them as much as he did when they were perky and new. I love him for that.

My own mischievous hands start moving. I gasp when I feel how hard he is.

“Still want to go?” he asks with a grin.

“Shut up,” I say and he laughs.

Our bodies move in that familiar way, sliding down to the ground as we start to undress each other.


