Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

“He has nowhere else to go, Talia.”

“The Sanders will keep him. You know they will. He’ll be happier there.”

“Talia —”

“I can’t take him.” Her words broke on a sob. “Don’t ask me to. Please. I can’t.”

Knox exhaled heavily. “All right. But I can’t guarantee that people won’t realize you’re his mother. He looks like you. You might even find that he pays you a visit someday.”

“He’ll hear enough to know I’m not what he needs,” she mumbled.

“Take care, Talia. We’ll let ourselves out.”

As they walked down the stairwell, Tanner said, “I went in there prepared to be pissed at her.”

“She genuinely does believe she did right by him.” Harper sighed. “If all she’d have been able to see was her rapist whenever she looked at him, then maybe she did.”

“Are you leaving McCauley with Wyatt and Linda?” Tanner asked.

Reaching the front door, Knox held it open. “If the arrangement is working for all concerned, yes.” Once in the Bentley, Knox said, “Levi, we need to make a pit stop at the Sanders’ home.”

“You got it,” said Levi. “Is Talia the kid’s mother?”

“Yes.” Knox quickly told him what was said and then pulled out his phone and dialed Wyatt’s number. “I have some information for you, but I don’t want to speak of it while McCauley’s nearby. Meet me at the end of your front yard in ten minutes.” When Wyatt agreed, Knox ended the call.

“Do you think they’ll want to keep McCauley?” Tanner asked.

“Linda will,” began Harper, “but I’m not so sure about Wyatt.”

When Levi finally parked at the bottom of the Sanders’ yard, both Linda and Wyatt were waiting there, expressions grim.

The moment Knox and Harper slid out of the car, Linda stepped forward and asked, “What is it?”

“We have the identity of McCauley’s mother,” Knox told her. “It’s Talia Winters.”

For a moment, an odd look crossed Wyatt’s face. Then it was gone, and he blew out a breath. “He looks a little like her. How did I not see it?”

“Have you come to take him?” asked Linda, voice shaky.

“Talia doesn’t believe that her home is the best place for him,” said Knox.

“I’d have to agree,” clipped Linda. “She’s a hooker.”

Harper arched a brow. “She’s a stripper, which is different.”

Linda lowered her gaze. “You’re right, of course. I apologize.”

Yeah? She didn’t sound all that apologetic.

“We’d be happy for him to stay here,” Linda told Knox. “I’m sure McCauley would be fine with it.” Hearing their landline ringing, she said, “Excuse me.”

Once Linda was inside the house, Knox turned to Wyatt. “How has McCauley been?”

“Not an ounce of trouble,” replied Wyatt. “Almost painfully polite. You wouldn’t think the kid had been through a traumatic experience. He never talks about his human parents or what happened to him.” He shrugged. “Maybe he’s in denial or something, I don’t know.”

“Your mate loves him,” said Tanner.

Wyatt gave him a weak smile. “She loves that she has someone to love.”

“I’m going to be honest with you,” began Harper. “If you ask me, there’s something not quite right about that kid.”

Wyatt sighed. “I know what you mean. Something about him rubs my demon up the wrong way. But he’s just a kid, and – whether he’s traumatized or not – he’s been through something awful.”

Harper raised her hands. “If you’re happy for him to stay here, we won’t interfere with that. But you have to be sure, Wyatt. Because even though the kid freaks me out a little, I don’t want him to have to bounce from home to home. He needs stability.”

Wyatt gave a slow nod. “I agree. I’m happy for him to stay with us.”

Well he sure didn’t look happy about it. Harper figured he was doing it for his mate’s sake. Noticing movement in her peripheral vision, Harper looked to see McCauley staring out of the living room window. She waved to him, forcing a smile. He waved back, but the move was almost mechanical.

“All right,” said Knox. “He can stay with you if you’re positive that it’s what you want.”

“I’m certain,” Wyatt told him.

Knox nodded and then ushered Harper back into the Bentley as he spoke to Wyatt. “I’ll check in occasionally to make sure this arrangement is working for everyone. I trust that if you have any problems, you will call me.”

“I will,” Wyatt promised.

As Levi pulled away from the curb, Tanner spoke to Knox. “Leaving him with the Sanders was the right thing to do.”

“Yeah, for McCauley,” said Harper. “But maybe not for them.” Time would tell, she supposed.


Knox glanced around the large living room that was all marble floors and dark woods. When Francisco had said that Dion Boughton liked to surround himself with the unique, he hadn’t been understating things. The island upon which his grand, opulent home sat was a tropical paradise. The home itself was filled with antiques, vintage items, unusual ornaments, expensive vases, and servants who were rare breeds of demon.


