Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

It was too long, Knox thought. But so far, it was the fastest way to get to her. He stepped aside, giving the other Prime room. “I need it done fast.”

With his sentinel now at his side, Thatcher immediately got to work.

“Do you think Dario’s working with Nora?” Jolene asked Knox.

“My gut says no, but that doesn’t mean he can’t know something.” Knox turned to Tanner. “Bring him here, but don’t let him know there’s a problem – I don’t want his sentinel interfering.”

The hellhound nodded and then disappeared from the restrooms.

Muscles tight, Knox remained in position. He wanted to pace and curse and punch a hole through the stall door. Instead, he held himself completely still, even though he felt twitchy, restless, and dangerously on edge. His chest was so tight, he was surprised he could breathe without wheezing.

As the she-demons began to talk, expressing their worries for Harper, Knox blocked out their conversation. He couldn’t allow himself to think of what could be happening to Harper – if he did, he’d lose his ability to focus. But despite his best efforts, images of what Nora could be doing to her kept flickering through his mind, slicing at his frayed control.

There wasn’t just fury flooding his veins; there was guilt. He should have protected her better. He should never have let her leave his side for a single moment. In being careful not to make her feel suffocated, he’d put her and their child in danger. And he knew he’d never forgive himself for it.

His demon’s cold rage echoed through him. Oddly, the demon wasn’t ranting and raving. It wasn’t demanding vengeance or pushing for control. If the entity was capable of feeling guilt, Knox would have wondered if it blamed itself the same way that Knox blamed himself. He didn’t know why the entity was so unnaturally quiet and still – it wasn’t inclined to communicate with him right then.

There had only been one other time that the demon had been so silent despite its rage… the very day it had taken it upon itself to destroy the cult in which Knox had been raised as a child. Usually, the demon didn’t plan or strategize – it acted on emotion alone, and it didn’t care to maintain its composure. The fact that it seemed to be silently strategizing now didn’t relieve Knox. Harper had told him that it spooked her when Knox was so deceptively and unnaturally calm. Just the same, his demon’s unnatural calm worried him.

“Knox,” said Larkin, voice sheepish, “I’m so sorry. I should have come in here with her. This is all my fucking fault.”

Khloë shook her head. “No, harpy, it’s not. The fault lies with Nutty Nora and whoever might be helping her. Harper would tell you the same thing if she could.”

Jolene nodded. “Nobody blames you, Larkin. You were told to protect Harper and that was exactly what you did by keeping Carla away from her. You couldn’t have known that Nora would mean her any harm, especially since the woman defended Harper against Carla in the coffeehouse not so long ago.”

Larkin looked at Knox, eyes still clouded with guilt. “I understand if you want to execute me for failing Harper, but please allow me to help you find and save her first.”

“I have no intention of executing you, Larkin. You’re not at fault.” That was the most reassurance that Knox could offer her while rage and terror were pumping through him. He rolled his neck and shoulders, trying to ease the tension in his muscles, but it didn’t work. Nothing short of having Harper in front of him would calm him.

He’d worried enough about how smoothly the birth would go, though he’d hid those concerns from her. He’d sworn to her that he’d be with her the entire time. The thought that she’d be facing it alone, even if only for the short time it would take for him to get to her, flayed him.

His gaze snapped to the door as it swung open and Tanner entered with Dario.

The Prime looked around, seeming both curious and confused. “Tanner said you needed my help, but he didn’t say what was wrong.”

Knox pinned him with an unblinking stare. “Do you know what she’s done? Are you part of this?”

Dario blinked. “What are you —?”

Knox lunged and fisted his shirt. “Do not fuck with me right now.”

“I swear to you, I do not know what you mean.” Dario looked to his sentinel for help, but the male was being held back by Tanner and Keenan.

“Nora took Harper,” Knox rumbled.

Dario’s eyes snapped back to him and he stilled, brows drawing together. “No. No, she wouldn’t do that.”

“Oh, but she did. I have an eyewitness that says she took her through a portal.” Knox released him with a shove. “Harper herself has telepathically informed me that Nora is with her and wants the baby. She’s inducing labor as we speak.”


