Ash (Hounds of Hellfire MC #5) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 31165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 156(@200wpm)___ 125(@250wpm)___ 104(@300wpm)

I wasn’t sure what had surprised me more…that his spanking had turned me on or that I’d let him take me without anything between us. I couldn’t imagine that many virgins did something like their first time having sex. And as a medical professional, I knew the risks I’d been taking when I hadn’t insisted on Eli wearing a condom. But none of that had mattered to me in the heat of the moment, and I was less worried about it this morning than I probably should be.

Even after the bad first impression Eli had made—and the hurt he’d caused when he’d had to cancel our date—I trusted him. It was just that simple.

Beaming a mischievous smile his way, I teased, “With how stubborn I can be, I’m fairly confident that’ll happen sooner than I might like.”

His fingertips traced the curve of my butt. “I’ll keep a tally until you’re fully recovered.”

“Aw, gee…thanks.” I rolled my eyes. “That’s so sweet of you.”

He shook his head with a chuckle. “Not sure anyone’s ever called me sweet, even when they were being sarcastic.”

“Oooh, another first for us.”

This time, he rolled his eyes, making me giggle. Unfortunately, our little bubble was burst by the ringing of his cell. Twisting around, he snagged the phone from the bedside table and glanced at the screen. “Sorry, gotta take this.”

“Go ahead.” I pressed a quick kiss against his shoulder before crawling off the bed, grabbing his discarded shirt from last night to tug it over my head. “I need to use the bathroom anyway.”

“There should be an extra toothbrush under the sink if you want it.”

Remembering what he’d told me about not being into hookups, I glared at him over my shoulder. “Oh really?”

He flashed me a knowing grin. “Relax, killer. It’s only because the kind I like are easier to find in two packs.”


His answering laughter only lasted a moment before I heard him say, “Hello.”

After using the toilet and washing my hands and face, I discovered he’d been right about the toothbrush. Sadly, I discovered he’d also been right about needing to take that call when I was done.

Eli was perched on the edge of the mattress, waiting for me with a disappointed expression. “C’mere, baby girl.”

I padded over to stand between his legs. “What’s wrong?”

“I know I said I didn’t have anywhere I needed to be today, but it turns out I have to head to court.”

I puffed out my bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “I was looking forward to spending the day with you. It was the best part of having a couple of days off in a row.”

“Me too, baby girl.” He brushed his lips against mine in a quick kiss. “But this isn’t the kind of request I can turn down.”

I understood what it was like when duty called, so I wasn’t going to give him too hard of a time. “Rain check?”

“As many as you want. My free time is yours.“

“There you go, being a silver-tongued devil again.” I stroked his bearded cheek, the bristles scraping my palm. “I’m going to have to work hard to hold my own with you.”

His hazel eyes were filled with mirth as he replied, “You more than kept up with me last night.”

I swatted at his bare chest, laughing softly. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“True,” he conceded. “But that doesn’t make it any less funny.”

“You better get going or you’re going to be late for court.”

“Then quit making it so damn hard.” He climbed off the mattress and gestured at his erection. “Literally and figuratively.”

My giggles dried up as I watched him dress in a three-piece suit that had to have been custom-made for his muscular body. As amazing as he looked naked, he was somehow even sexier when he dressed in his designer armor for court. It made me want to jump his bones, but I kept my reaction to myself so that I didn’t really end up making him late.

He grabbed something from his closet and tossed it onto the bed, then came to stand in front of me. After bending down and kissing me senseless, he jerked his chin to what turned out to be his cut. “Wear that today.”

“Why?” I asked curiously. Wasn’t it a big deal for MC guys to have a woman wear their vest?

“So everyone knows you’re mine.”

He kissed me one more time, then reluctantly walked away.

The sight of him walking out the door was just as good, so I fanned myself with my hand before getting up to start my day. One that would be much less fun since I couldn’t spend it with Eli.



Iloved being a lawyer. I’d known it was my calling since I was ten and watched a show that starred a lawyer, and in the episode, he was in court. He’d wiped the floor with the prosecution and charmed the jury—had them practically eating out of the palm of his hand.


