Archangel – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

The whirr of the electronic lock signaled Bella’s entrance. She gave me a consoling smile as she shut the door behind her.

“Hey, Sonya.” She hurried to me, setting down a backpack beside the couch before giving me a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. Just… piss-poor timing on everyone’s part.” I tried to give her a small smile, but I don’t think I managed very well.

“Caroline said you hadn’t told her what happened. Only called her to come get you so you could sneak out. She said you weren’t upset when you called her, so what happened?”

I filled Bella in while we waited on Linnie to get back. She said she’d talk to Ripper, but I wanted to talk to him too. I also hoped Linnie told Ripper to keep this one close to the vest. I wasn’t ready for my mother and father to know about any of this.

“Holy shit.” Bella’s eyes were wide with shock. “Holy shit! That’s insane!”


She reached over and took my hand in hers. “It’s going to be OK, Sonya. We’ll figure out what to do. If we need to prank Archangel, we can do that. I’m sure we can find something appropriately embarrassing.”

Her comment got a genuine laugh from me. “Thanks, Bella. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Linnie.”

“You’ll never have to find out. We’re your ride or die chicks.”

The door lock whirred again, and Caroline came in with two huge pizza boxes and dragging a cooler behind her.

“Good God, Linnie!” Bella jumped up and ran to our friend. She snagged the pizzas while Caroline continued with the cooler. “You could have told me to meet you in the lobby.”

“I was good.”

The normal conversation helped pull me out of the fog of hurt, and I knew I’d be OK. My friends would always help me when I was down. We were a team.

“I’m so fuckin’ lucky to have you guys.” I gave them a watery smile. “You’re the best.”

“Come here, Sonya.” Linnie pulled me and Bella into a three-way hug. I let their love fill the holes in my heart. I recognized part of my heart would belong to Archangel for a long time to come, but these two women would be with me.

“You know,” Bella said when we finally broke away and started dishing out the pizza. “If what he told you was true, Archangel and Gloria’s marriage didn’t sound like a real marriage but more of a paperwork technicality.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled around a mouth full of pizza. “I’ve decided I’m not talking to Angel until I get some facts from Ripper’s investigation. Did you ask him, Linnie?”

She nodded. “I told him everything I heard and some of what you filled in for me that I’d missed before I got there. He says he’ll have some questions for you, and to call him when you’ve had a chance to rest.”

“It shouldn’t have hurt, but it did,” I whispered, setting down my slice and popping the top on a beer. I took a long pull before setting it down with a gasp. “I’ve had a crush on him forever. Then this happened.”

“OK, so fill in the rest of the gaps, Sonya.” Linnie took another bite, wiping her mouth. “What is ‘this’?”

I let my head fall back on my shoulders to look at the ceiling. “Well…”

“Yeah?” Linnie wasn’t going to let this go. I wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to say this, even to my best friends in the world.

With a sigh, I sat up and closed my eyes. “I slept with Archangel.”

I opened my eyes, needing to see their reactions. Both of them stared at me blankly, like they didn’t understand what I’d just said. They glanced at each other briefly before Bella cleared her throat.

“Um, by slept with, you mean…” She let the sentence hang, obviously wanting me to fill in the blank so they didn’t hurt or embarrass me. Yeah. I loved these girls!

“I fucked him, Bella. And, sweet baby Jesus in the manger, he fucked me too.”

There was a beat of silence before both of them dissolved into giggles. And just like that, we were all laughing until my tears were tears of joy. No matter what happened next in my life, I’d always have these two. They’d have my back, and I’d have theirs.

Then I had a thought. I got up and snagged my phone before grabbing another slice of pizza and taking a huge bite off the end. I wiped my fingers, then picked my phone back up and drafted a text.

“Sending you guys something to proofread.” I grinned as I hit send. Both their phones dinged simultaneously. As they read, Bella’s eyes got wider and she made an “O” with her mouth, while Linnie’s face split in a grin until she was laughing nearly as hard as she had been before.


