Archangel – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

“You definitely need a spanking.”

“I’m twenty-one, Angel. I’ve got plenty of time to be an adult. I want to enjoy getting into trouble for petty shit like the aforementioned blow-up sex doll while I’m still young enough to appreciate the humor. There’s plenty of time to grow up.”

For some reason, he stiffened. He snatched his fingers away from mine and stood abruptly. “Yeah. Plenty of time.” He backed two steps away before stopping, lifting his chin like he’d just realized he was retreating. “Take the rest of the afternoon to reflect on… uh… something. Growing up.” Then the man beat feet back inside his cabin.

“Was it something I said?” I didn’t get a reply to my muttered response.

Chapter Four


I was fucked. I mean, really fucking fucked. When Sonya and I had carried on a normal conversation where she expressed her love of her MC life and about her relationship with her father and the rest of her family at Salvation’s Bane, she’d been so animated and unfiltered. She truly meant what she said.

I also understood a little more about Thorn. He was worried about his daughter and needed to know how she was making her money without asking her and possibly insulting her by insinuating she was doing something illegal or, worse, stripping or sex shows or something else he didn’t want to know his little girl was doing. No one else cared if she was making her money with some skin, but daddies were a different breed. So yeah. I got it. I’d still be calling him out on his deception later, but right now I had bigger fucking problems.

First, Sonya was more than what she presented to everyone. There was an intriguing depth to the wild child I doubt anyone other than Sonya’s mother, Mariana, or possibly Caroline and Bella, had realized existed. Thorn might have a clue, but he’d never admit it. Because, despite his instructions to me on making Sonya sit down and come up with a plan for her future, Thorn never wanted his little girl to grow up and not be dependent on him. He only sent me to find out about her funds. He’d used this latest escapade to throw me to the wolves.

Second -- and this was really the more disturbing part -- somehow in the middle of the conversation between me and Sonya just now, I’d fallen in love with her. Fucking hard, too. I wasn’t being dramatic either. The longer she’d talked, the more my fucking heart had opened up, needing to drink in all her brightness and energy.

I’d dedicated my life to helping El Diablo and all the members of Black Reign MC to keep from falling into complete darkness. We’d all done some pretty bad things in our past. Most of us would do them again if necessary. I had taken it as my calling to help us all keep the pieces of our souls together as much as possible. Up until now, I’d thought I’d done a decent job with my own soul. Until I let Sonya fill me with her presence. That was when I realized how many holes I had inside me. Because Sonya’s light spilled out from me, from those missing parts of humanity inside me, and I began to heal.

I shut the door and leaned against the cool wood, then thumped my head against it and groaned. I’d broken out in a sweat and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, almost like a panic attack. Which was probably an accurate description of what was currently happening to me.

The one sink in the place was only a few steps away along the counter running the short length of the back wall. I managed to make it without my knees giving way, though it was a struggle. I braced one hand on the counter while I turned on the water with the other. The cool water felt good on my skin, so I splashed my face. Water sluiced from my beard and I shook my head, sending droplets flying.

“Christ,” I muttered. “What the fuck am I doing?” I had to get a grip. What Sonya had said to bring me screaming back to reality was that she had plenty of time to be an adult, reminding me of her age. She was twenty-one. Twenty-one! I was forty-eight! Besides the fact she was the daughter of an MC president and far outranked me, she was young enough to be my daughter. A wide age gap like ours worked for some of my brothers, but even they might blink at close to a thirty-year difference.

I needed to go apologize to Sonya for running off, but there was no way I could be near her right now. Not and keep my dick in my pants.


