Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

I’d nearly gotten off the floor when a nurse came rushing up with a wheelchair. I muttered a “fuck” under my breath and allowed Bennett to push me the entire way. We washed thoroughly, and then made our way through the NICU doors. Babies were crying, heart monitors were beeping, parents were speaking in low quiet voices, and I heard the most lovely song coming from somewhere in the back. It was beautiful. The voice hit those deep notes so beautifully it made me want to cry.

“Now, you can only have two in there at a time, so you all will have to go in one at a time. Or you can tell Max to come out and then two of you can go in.” Eleanor decreed.

“Wait,” I said confused. “I thought he came in at 7:30. It’s only seven!”

“Yea, he looks kind of rough.” Eleanor said with concern evident in her voice.

I frowned, and turned to our guests. “Can y’all give us a minute?”

They nodded, and I headed to her room. Max had his back to me. He was sitting in a rocker with his shirt off, and he was singing You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban to Harleigh. I smiled slightly, and then got out my iPhone and recorded a full minute and a half before he finally noticed I was there.

“You caught me.” He laughed quietly without turning around.

I snorted. “Oops.”

“I don’t really want to sing in front of an audience. If you post that on Facebook, I’ll get an ugly tattoo on my body that has your name under it.” He threatened.

“You’re giving the nurses a show,” I nodded towards his fan club. “Why can’t you give me one?”

He stood and gestured to the seat. “Why do you think I was sitting with my back to the door?”

I sat down in the seat, and Max helped me maneuver Harleigh to my chest. She made the cutest little squeaking sound. She was so freaking tiny that I didn’t know where to put my hands. I was worried that I would hurt her, so I sat as still as I possibly could.

He left to let Bennett come in, and then he traded out with Ember, and then Cheyenne in twenty-minute intervals. It wasn’t until Jack came in that I realized that everyone was here.

“She’s beautiful.” Jack rumbled.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“I got her this at the store. I think it’s a baby doll hat or something, but I thought it might fit.” He said.

In his hand was the smallest little Harley hat that was ever made. I squealed excitedly and stood up slowly.

“Sit.” I commanded.

He looked ready to bolt, but I urged him to sit again and he did, although I had to admit it was reluctantly. Getting close to him, we transferred Harleigh to his chest, and I rearranged cords, wires, and then covered her up with the super soft blanket James had brought in earlier. I worked the hat over her small head, and then stepped back to admire the fit. It was pretty much perfect.

Jack’s eyes silently screamed at me not to leave him there, but I waved and left anyway. My boobs were about to burst if I didn’t do something about them. I took one last picture from the doorway, and then made my way out to the sitting room to find my parents, and all my friends there filling up the room to capacity.

I sat down carefully onto the couch next to my dad, and snuggled into his chest. He gathered me to him, and felt tears come to my eyes. This relationship right here is what I wanted for my daughter, and I knew she would get it. The past week had proved that.

“I love you, baby girl,” My dad whispered into my ear. “I’m so proud of you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Where’s Jack?” Max asked.

I smiled devilishly. “He’s bonding with Harleigh!”


At day forty-seven, Harleigh had her first bottle. At day fifty-nine, she was taken off CPAP and moved to a nasal cannula that delivered oxygen through her nose. On day sixty-eight, all wires and tubes were removed from her aside from the apnea monitor. On day seventy-seven, two weeks before her due date, we took her home.


I’m the biker your parent’s warned you about.



Harleigh squirmed, and shoved her arms underneath her body to make herself more comfortable on my shoulder. She’d fallen to sleep during the ceremony, and hadn’t moved since. I think there was even drool rolling down the back of my neck. Max sat at my back, and we both watched as they gave their final salute, and were dismissed.

“Holy shit.” I said as we watched Bennett walk towards us.

He had a few friends with him, and I assumed those friends didn’t have any family here of their own, otherwise they’d be visiting with them instead of hanging with Bennett.

His walk was cocky. As if he thought he was hot shit. His head was shaved down so only tiny little prickles remained. He was in his Navy Whites, and he looked awesome. I couldn’t believe that he’d already gotten through this boot camp. SEAL training would come next. He no longer resembled the seventeen-year-old adolescent he was before he left. Now he looked like an adult; he carried himself differently.

“Benny Bear!” I said as loudly as I could.

His friends snickered at him, and heat crawled up his cheeks. Passing Harleigh over to Max’s arms, I took off at a run and threw myself at Bennett. He caught me and swung me around in circles laughing.

I gave him a big smacking kiss on the cheek. “Put me down, you big oaf.”

He did as he was told, and I took his arm, yanking him towards our seats. “I have a surprise for you!”

“I see you brought Harleigh; I’m glad they finally gave her the green light to be amongst the hoard.” Bennett said happily.

That was true. When Harleigh was finally released from the hospital four months ago, they strongly cautioned us not to take her out until her immune system was stronger. She got to play with all of the other kids that belonged to Free, but it wasn’t until last week that they’d given us the go ahead to take her anywhere we wanted.


