Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

Three days’ worth of pent up frustration poured out of me and coated her insides. Pulling out my softening cock, I watched as my come dribbled out of her and fell to the sheets between her thighs. It was such a sight that my spent cock was brought back to life as if it had been shocked.

Smiling, I slammed back inside of her again, and repeated what we’d just got done doing.

“Fuck. You’re a monster,” She laughed.

I did notice, however, that she didn’t complain. This second time lasted much longer, and it was how I’d envisioned the first time as being. It was long, slow, and sweaty. By the time we were both spent nearly forty minutes later, we didn’t even have the energy to wash ourselves clean.

“Not it.” I said.

“Rock, paper, scissors.” She demanded.

We did the ritual, and I won with rock over paper. “Best two out of three.” She demanded.

I won again, with paper over her rock. Even though I won, we both got up and cleaned each other in the shower.

“Can you tell me what’s going on yet?” She asked as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair.

The smell of some fruity shit wafted up to my nose, and it instantly reminded me of what I’d been yearning to smell over the past three days. Her fruity shampoo, the cotton candy lotion she used, even the smell of the cinnamon gum that she was constantly chewing on. She just smelled like home.

“Not yet.” I said as I kissed her nose.

She sighed in frustration. “I need to go to my parents. Bennett got the test results today.”

I focused on her face, trying to read it, but she was shut down tight. “So?”

Her head hit my sternum with a thump. “It’s his. I was praying it wasn’t his, but it is.”

I said the only thing I could think of to say. It wasn’t eloquent, but it fit the situation. “Well fuck.”

“My thoughts exactly.”


“You okay, man?” I asked Bennett as I sat down on the rocking chair beside him.

“Yeah. It’s a shock, but it’s good to finally know. That’s all I’ve been able to think about for the past five months.” He explained.

I imagined it was. Payton and I were twenty-five and twenty-six years old. We both had well established jobs. We both were well off financially. Fuck, we were graduated from high school. Bennett had none of those things. What he did have, however, was an excellent support system.

“What are you going to do?” I asked him.

His gaze caught on a slow moving car that was trying to avoid hitting a deer. “Mom and Dad are taking me to a lawyer on Monday to see about what rights I have. I think that Corinne wants to give the baby up for adoption. I don’t want to.”

It felt like déjà vu. Everything he was explaining happened with James when Janie was born. Although James was at least graduated and had a career at the time. This would be one hell of a bumpy road for Bennett. It would be a struggle for him to even graduate. He would though, if I had to attend every class with him and watch his kid while he did it.

The front storm door swished open and Tony stepped out. He handed us all beers, and sat down on the step above Bennett. He stayed silent for a full ten minutes before breaking it.

“If you go in to the Marines, I won’t be mad at you.” He said blandly.

The tension that was building burst with his statement.

“Uh, no dad. I’ve already made my decision.” He laughed.

“This is going to be tough. You have a long road ahead of you.” He said concern evident in his voice.

I decided now was the time to leave them along for a bit. That and my beer was empty. I needed beer to deal with this shit. Standing, I clapped Bennett on the shoulder, and made my way into the house. I followed the sound of arguing voices, and found Payton and her mom in what I guessed was Tony and Jessie’s bedroom. They were both laying down on the bed listening to a song.

“He’s totally saying, “wrapped up like a douche.” There is no way he’s saying anything else.” Payton said.

“Payton. He’s saying deuce, not douche. Go look up the lyrics.” She laughed.

I’d always wondered about the song myself, but not enough to look the lyrics up as Payton was currently doing. “You were right!”

I leaned against the doorframe and waited for them to notice me. After a couple minutes, I realized that both women were really good at not paying attention.

“Pitch Perfect is on!” Payton squealed.

“Aw, come on. We just watched that last night!” I said exasperated.

They both screeched like banshees, and popcorn, cokes, and cookies went flying. A bowl sailed through the air, which I caught just before it slammed into my face. “Mother fucker, Max!” Payton yelled. “What have I told you about sneaking up on me?”

“Which time?” I asked innocently.

Payton’s mom let out a deep belly laugh. “Oh, honey. These men of ours can’t help it. Your daddy has told me some stories, and after hearing those, I don’t care if he sneaks up on me anymore. I’m just glad he had that skill when he needed them.”

I smiled, but it didn’t reach my eyes. She was right about that. At times during my deployment and subsequent missions, if I wasn’t quiet, I was dead. Payton didn’t need to hear about that though.

“So, I think we need to make a wager.” I said as I crawled in between mother and daughter, put my back to the headboard, and pulled them both into my sides.

“What’s that?” Payton laughed and scooted as close as she could. Her belly seemed to have grown over the past three days. She was all belly, all the way. The baby squirmed at the contact, and I couldn’t help the surge of elation I felt every time I felt the baby move.


