Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

Max sighed and leaned his head against my knees before giving in and standing, making his way to my side. “Why’d you wait so long to have an ultrasound, again?” Dr. Schmidt asked.

“Well, I’ve just been busy. I’m healthy, and well, my insurance just kicked in, so that was a good reason, right?” I asked and then saw the incredulous look on his face. “Okay, if I ignored it, it wasn’t real. I didn’t want confirmation of my dumbassness.” I rushed out.

The doctor got the wand lubed and inside of me in the next second. “So how many kids did you want?” He asked cryptically.

Max looked at the screen, to me, and then to the doctor. “I want a house full.”

“So how man does a house full consist of?” He continued with his mysterious line of questioning.

“I don’t know, four or five I guess.” He said warily.

I had a sick feeling I knew where this was going. I really sick feeling. “Dr. Schmidt, for the love of all that’s holy, spit it out.” I said glancing from the screen to his face.

“I was just kidding. There is only one from what I can see. Congratulations.” He remarked.

I was so very relieved that I nearly wept in release. “You suck.”

“There’s the head, and the hands right up next to the face. Oh my, would you look at that? He or she has your attitude already!” Dr. Schmidt chortled.

The printer printed off two shots and handed one to each of us laughing. In the picture, you could see a close up of the baby’s alien face and hand, middle finger extended perfectly precise mini version of flipping someone the bird. Hell it even looked like the baby was extending it in front of the face so you didn’t get a clear shot. If I wanted to be honest, that was more Max’s style. I don’t think I have one picture that he’s smiling. Most of the time he’s flipping the camera off so I can’t put them on Facebook.

“Uh, no that would be the father,” I said gesturing to Max with my thumb. “He doesn’t like taking pictures and goes out of his way to avoid them. Sneaking up on him would be easier, and if you knew him, that feat’s impossible.”

I glanced at Max’s face again and found his eyes glued to the screen, eyes alight with astonishment. Who knew that this big strong man would want kids as bad as he does? He’s like a big old teddy bear. It was good to see him in a better mood. Whatever Luke had had to say, it wasn’t good, and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to hear it.

“Do you want to know what the gender is?” Dr. Schmidt asked.

Just as I opened my mouth to say yes, Max blurted, “No!”

“How could you?” I said drastically.

It wasn’t that big of a deal, if you didn’t think about the fact that this was my first baby and couldn’t plan anything. I was a planner to the extreme. My spice drawer is in order from A to Z. I fold my socks in neat piles, and have them separated in colors. The clothes in my closet are arranged in colors as well. I wrote a grocery list every week, and if it wasn’t on the list, it wasn’t bought. How does one buy stuff for an unknown gender? My baby would come home in a diaper and that’s it! I was working myself up into a full-blown hissy by the time Max grabbed my face and made me look at him.

“Breathe.” He said in that deep voice that calmed me down rapidly. “Please?”

I let sweet blissful air enter my lungs, and I watched his eyes while I came down from my panic. “Why?” I whined.

My mind was pulled back to the present when the hideous wand was pulled from the depths of my body. I scrunched up my nose and sat up, covering myself a little better so I wasn’t feeling cool air on my goodies.

“All right, Payton. I want you to make an appointment with the office. I’ll see you in a month. You’re measuring right on time, and there is always time to change your mind about knowing the gender next time. Have a good day.” He said before exiting the room.

I got dressed in silence, allowing Max to quiver in his boots thinking that I was mad at him. I wasn’t really, but it was a disappointment. I’d make do though, because I wanted him to be happy; I’d do anything for him.

We walked arm and arm out to his bike, and I hopped on, donning my helmet in the process. Sam and Cheyenne took Alpha home for us since we wouldn’t be going straight home as soon as my shift ended.

He started the bike with a roar, and I had just enough time to pull my scarf securely around my neck and get my gloves on before he was easing out of the parking lot. Five minutes into the drive, I was officially a Popsicle. Regardless of the gloves, hat, scarf, large leather jacket that Max insisted I wear, and Max’s body blocking most of the wind, I was still frozen to the bone. I was shaking uncontrollably when we pulled up in front of his place.

Since my legs were unable to move from their frozen position, I waited with my arms up for Max to lift me off his bike. Which he did, laughing softly. He didn’t put me down, instead carrying me past Alpha’s welcome home dance, and straight to the bathroom. He set me on the counter, and then went to the shower and turned it on full blast.

He stripped me of my clothes and shoes, yanked the ponytail from my hair, and sat me on the shower seat that took up the back wall of the shower. The water sprayed down on my Popsicle like body. I moaned as my legs and arms started to tingle as blood rushed back to them. I was lifted, placed into Max’s lap with my back to Max’s front. He methodically washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner. His hands meticulously rubbed the bar of soap down my legs, arms and torso.


