Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

“I don’t care, just please, don’t stop.” I gasped.

His hips took on a life of their own, and he pounded inside of me. I threw my head back, squeezing my eyes shut tight as the orgasm of the century consumed me. I bit back a moan as Max growled his release into my neck. Both of us were panting, and sat still for long moments as we caught our breath.

He pulled out slowly, and I grimaced at the wet feeling between my legs. “I think I need another shower now.”

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips, and I studied his face for a few moments. The cut on his forehead looked mean, but it didn’t detract from his handsomeness. It just made his looks unique. If he let the hair on his face grow any longer it wouldn’t be known as scruff, he would be sporting a full-blown beard. Not that I minded any. He looked gorgeous.

He went to start a fire while I rinsed off the remnants of the sex. When I came out he handed me a bottle of Old Milwaukee, and we headed into the living room to watch TV. I cuddled with him on the couch for the rest of the night watching Pitch Perfect. Alpha covered Max’s feet always watchful. Max didn’t find it quite as hilarious as I did, but he didn’t complain.

“You have to keep your promise.” Max rumbled.

I lifted my head from his chest and smiled at his serious expression. “I want to get married at my Pepaw’s. I want my father to walk me down the aisle, and I want to wear a wedding dress. If you can do those things for me, I’ll marry you. Except for the tiny little fact that you forgot to buy me a ring.”

Since I was looking into his eyes, I didn’t see his hand move. However, I did feel his body move and saw him move his hand out of the corner of my eye. Turning to see what he was doing, I saw the black jewelry box and gasped.

He smiled when he saw the tears that rushed to my eyes. “Payton Evangeline Alvarez, will you marry me? I promise to protect you with my life, and never leave you behind. I promise to chase away your nightmares, and hold you all night if you wake up scared. But most of all, I promise to love you with my whole heart and soul. Will you marry me, Payton?”

“Do I look like a dumbass to you? Of course, I’ll marry you.” I said before throwing myself at his chest.

He laughed, slipped the gigantic ring onto my finger, and then squeezed me tight. “Don’t squeeze too hard or I’ll fart.”

“Jesus Christ, can’t anything ever be serious with you?” He asked exasperated.

“Of course not. Now, do I need to sign a prenup?” I teased.

“Honey, the day I have enough money that warrants a prenup is the day I die. My life insurance policy kicks ass.” He joked.

“I love you, big boy.” I said to him before laying my head back down on his chest.

“I love you, too, Pea.”

“Pea?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, your initials spell out P-E-A. Just wait until we’re married, then you’ll be my Pet.” He guffawed.

“Oh, shut up.” I grumped.

Chapter 8

It takes more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed.

-Biker Truth


“Payton.” Max whined from the bedroom.

Max was running a one hundred and one fever, and he was the world’s worst patient. At the moment, he was lying in bed watching old episodes of X-Files, and I was at my wits end.

I’d taken care of him for a day and a half now, and I needed a damn break. Slipping my feet into my tennis shoes, I stood up and grabbed him another Gatorade from the fridge. Not the purple, the red, since he’d whined about the purple leaving a funny taste in his mouth. I also grabbed the bottle of Ibuprofen and headed into the bedroom.

He was lying on the bed in all his naked, pitiful glory. He’d complained earlier about his skin hurting, so he’d shed his clothes and was now laying on the Jersey Knit sheets with nothing on except his dog tags. His arms were thrown up over his head, and tissues were scattered all around his body, as well as all over the floor. His penis was lying against the side of his leg. At the moment, sexy he was not.

“You’re leaving me?” He asked nasally.

“I need clothes, and I’m tired of wearing yours. I’ll be thirty minutes tops.” I explained before grabbing my purse and keys off the dresser.

“Don’t leave me.” He whispered.

I rolled my eyes. Men were the biggest babies when it came to the common cold, and Max seemed to be more pitiful than most. “You were the one who said, ‘If you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride.’”

He sighed, and rolled over, showing off his nice beautiful butt. I wanted to bend over and bite it, but I refrained, and instead blew him a kiss.

“Let’s go, Alpha.” I called walking out his front door.

I was blasted by the freezing wind, and practically ran to my car and threw myself in. Alpha came in right behind me, jumping over my lap to settle on the passenger seat. I used my gate opener to open the front gate, and headed to my apartment.

My apartment complex was pretty freakin rank. Kilgore was a college town, and when I was looking for a place of my own, I had to settle for the apartments that were closest to the college. They were awful. They looked like they needed a face-lift at least a decade ago. The stairs were metal and rickety, and I feared for my life every time I went up them with an arm full of groceries.

Unfortunately, when I was in nursing school I couldn’t afford much more than this and I haven’t had my current position at the hospital long enough for me to look for another place.


