Anarchist Season Two: Book 1-2 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 41869 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 209(@200wpm)___ 167(@250wpm)___ 140(@300wpm)



“I’m not at liberty...”

“You say that shit one more time…”

“Cool it, everyone to their corners. Look Mancini show us your cards or get out of the game.” Fucking Lyon he doesn’t care if you’re a king or a pauper, no respect. Gotta love this guy.

“Gentlemen, I understand your frustration, and believe me I’m not interested in protecting these fuckers any more than you are. But there are things involved that if not handled carefully can backfire on us, and yes that us meant I am throwing my hat in the ring. Like I said I have somewhere to be, I just dropped in to take your measure so to speak, see who it was I am getting into bed with. I’ll be in touch.”

The fucker got up and left the way he came. “Uh, am I the only one who’s confused?”

“No Law, I think we’re all in the dark on this one.”

“That’s Mancini, I’m surprised he even showed up here.” Creed looked after the door where he’d disappeared.

“This other guy Thorpe, what the fuck is he like?”

“I don’t think he’s as hard core as that one, Law but he’s no light weight either.”

“So what just happened here?” Quinn, one of the least heard from SEALs spoke up. “He just appeared, said some shit that we already knew and left, what was the purpose?”

“Just what he said, taking our measure; I get the feeling he knows more about us than we do him.” That sounded about right, fuck.

“I think he did a little bit more than that, I think he just warned us about what we’re really dealing with here. What was that crack about the commander? He said it almost as if he knows something. He said ‘he knew more than what we’ve found.”

“What I wanna know is how the fuck he knows what we found Cord. Until Lyon mentioned this guy I never heard of him. We’ve looked since he came up and all we found was the billionaire bullshit. That’s no mere billionaire that just left this room.”

“You’re right Dev, this guy whatever, whoever he is, he’s under deep, but I still say he was giving us a hint. And he knows who killed the CO I want that information. Then I want to go after the fuckers one at a time and skin the flesh from their bodies.”

“You and me both brother, looks like we have shit to do, fuck.” Logan paced the room deep in thought. I had some thinking of my own to do. We’d all worked on taking Khalil down, all except Lyon of course. If he had some kid of vendetta going it was a good bet that shit was gonna get worse before it got better.

“We need to get this shit together boys, there’re too many things going on at once. We can’t do this now with a house full of people, but we need to get this shit sorted and soon. Everyone seems to agree on one point. This desert fuck isn’t coming here because of the trafficking we need to find out why he’s coming. Seems to me that’s the most important thing at this point. We find that we may be able to get in front of this thing.”

“Lyon’s right, in the meantime, Susie was in that book and I need to know why. She wasn’t mine when that picture was taken so how did Khalil know and why her? I think we know.” He looked at his brothers as he spoke. “We need the targets, let’s go through that book again and take another look at the girls in there, maybe something in there will lead us to something.”

“Wait, what did I miss? You know why she was in there?”

“We think we do but it’s not something we can discuss until we’ve spoken to the parties involved, believe me it’s nothing that will hurt this.”

“The fuck, you spook types take lessons from each other? I find it strange that I’m about the only one who doesn’t have shit to hide. I know why my kid was in there, the Porters. Law, your girl was in there why?”

“The fucker that paid her father off killed my family or had them killed, I don’t know why she was in the book, other than that he wanted a Stepford wife or some fuck.”

“And you Creed?”

“Her fucked up aunt sold her out.”

“I think I’ve got it. You boys were all in some branch of the military at some point weren’t you? Any chance all of you worked for this commander at some point?” The room came alive then, everyone started talking at once.

“I’m guessing that’s right?” We all nodded but said nothing more. That shit was top secret. “Fine, so maybe whatever this fuck is after has something to do with the commander. What did spook boy say, he knew more than you’ve found? Where have you been looking?”


