Anarchist Season Two: Book 1-2 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 41869 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 209(@200wpm)___ 167(@250wpm)___ 140(@300wpm)

Dana Sue has somehow morphed into this whole other being. It seems that as her bruises faded, so did her reticence. I know now that she is the most opinionated, hardheaded fuck this side of the Rio Grande. If I weren’t careful most days she’d argue me to death just because she could.

She has no fear of me, or my empty threats, because somehow since the first time I took her, she seems to have realized that my bark is worse than my bite where she’s concerned.

It makes for a strange dynamic, because I have grown men who’d shake in their boots at my ire, but this pint sized girl thinks she can run circles around me.

“She’s says she understands and she’s hanging in there so far. I just wish like fuck I understood the way women’s heads work. I mean she took a serious risk coming to me like she did. I could’ve been a bigger asshole than her grandfather. And how did she know that I would accept her and the child?”

Fucking women; it’s not the thieving ass sheriff or Junior who were gonna get us, sure as fuck it was going to be one of them.

“You’d fuck yourself but good trying to figure out that shit brother. Women were put here to fuck with us and don’t you forget it. Haven’t you ever wondered why a pussy looks the way it looks, taste the way it tastes, smells and feels the way it does, and owns the fucking man? Shit is a fucking trap.”

They all snickered like that shit was funny, but ever since Dana Sue got her hooks into me I’ve been giving this shit some serious thought.

“You don’t believe me, think about this shit. The dick goes in, nine months later life comes out and it’s all centered there in that glorious hole. What the fuck can compete with that shit? Their heads don’t have to fucking work, they already have us by the balls.” See, she’s made me stupid, my mind’s gone.

“Pussy whipped motherfuckers.” Travis shook his head and chewed on the stick in his mouth. I can’t wait for the newness to wear off of his shit; he’ll be singing a different tune then. “You fucks need to man up and stop letting your women run you.” Now he’s the expert.

That shit just started a whole new round of grumbling and belly aching from the others, until I whistled loud enough to get their attention and bring them back on track.

“Can we please figure this shit out before you asses disintegrate into the usual high school free for all? We need to get in front of this shit before it turns into a thing. There’s a baby involved here so we’re not compromising on shit.”

“Okay let me give it a think, I gotta go see what she’s up to. I leave her alone too long she starts to worry.” Brandon looked off in the direction of my house where the women were in the habit of congregating these days. They tend to avoid the clubhouse like the plague.

We each headed in our own direction because people had shit to do. I walked into the clubroom and it felt like I hadn’t been there in forever. Used to be I would spend more time there than my house, now with Dana Sue in the game, I was always sniffing around her ass. I guess Travis was right after all.

Chapter 4


I hadn’t had a moment to think since I got married and my shit had started to lag. I had backlog like a son of a bitch. Supplies needed to be bought, disputes needed settling, and I still had a ranch to run.

I did notice though, that since we came back from the cabin, the anger wasn’t as prominent as it had been. It was almost as if she’d smoothed out some of my rough edges.

At night when I lay next to her, my mind is no longer only filled with revenge and scenes of mayhem. But instead I look at her face until the wee hours, imagining a lifetime of her.

I could wish that we’d met at a better time, under different circumstances, but it happened now, while I’m in the middle of a war.

“Hey boss; looks like Junior has decided to man up. Word is he’s hired some toughs to come after us. I don’t have all the particulars but it looks like there might be some truth to it. Trent just sent word of unknowns crossing county lines.”

“Any sign of him? I’m not interested in his hired guns, I want him.”

“Nope, he’s still in hiding.”

“Not much of a man then is he?”

I need this shit on top of the other shit I’m dealing with. “Thanks Diego, anything else I need to know about what’s going on around here?” One of the reasons I could afford to get sidetracked by shit that comes out of left field, is because I have men around me that were more than able to pick up the slack without me having to worry about shit going south.


