Anarchist Season 2 Book 4 Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 65(@200wpm)___ 52(@250wpm)___ 44(@300wpm)

I didn't ask too many questions, though, because I was sure that whatever he was up to had to do with our friends, so I'd warned the girls to be on the lookout and just go with the flow.

The sheriff showing up here was unexpected, though, but apparently, that was part of Colt's plan whatever it was. "Look!" I pointed out Law walking away with the baby after the little talk he'd just had with Colt and Creed.

"Whatever it is has been taken care of. Now we can breathe easy."

"If you hadn't warned us in advance, I would've died of fright when your man came over and told me to take the baby to Law."

Dana-Sue actually shivered as she looked in the direction of our men. I've told them a million times that his bark is worse than his bite, but they still fear him. From his relaxed pose, I was able to release the breath I'd been holding all evening as well.

I might know that he's up to something, but I still never know exactly what that something is. With my new network of friends, though, things have been getting easier to figure out. The men have no idea, but our weekly, sometimes daily talks are all about piecing together whatever the men are up to.

I've taught my girls how to use pillow talk to filch out information, and then we put it all together and come up with a picture. I know they're dealing with some heavy stuff, and ever since the day Catalina was taken, Colt's been on the warpath, so I know he's not even close to being done with that whole thing yet.

Me, my only worry these days since my husband keeps me pretty much insulated from stuff is Caitlin. My poor girl has studied her butt off so she could go away to school a year early and be with Todd, but Colt isn't having it.

I've learned not to butt heads with him unless it's really important, but if seeing my little girl all broken-hearted doesn't call for action, I don't know what does. I'll wait until we get back home to tackle him again. You'd think the trip back home while he's trapped in the truck with me would be the perfect time, but that only works with normal people. And normal, he ain't!

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* * *

Fucking Colt! I should've known he wouldn't leave well enough alone. Funnily enough, I'm not as pissed as I thought I'd be, but still. I have to give it to him though his strategy skill is on point. He orchestrated this shit right under my nose without me getting so much as a whiff.

I'm pretty sure my brother and cousin had a hand in it, maybe even Clay and Brand. Not sure what my wife has to do with it, but she seems to know something the way she brought my son over to me just in the nick of time.

The asshole sheriff must be shitting bricks right about now, and the more I think about it, the more I see Lyon's point. Had I been the one to take Junior out, I would indeed have a lot of explaining to do. I'd barely gotten away with doing his dad, and though it feels like forever ago, not much time had really passed since then.

This way, the sheriff couldn't legally point any fingers in my direction, seeing as how he himself had been standing in my damn face at about the time that fuck was getting done. I hope whoever took care of him worked his ass over but good before putting one in him.

My son fretted in my arms, bringing my mind and thoughts back to him, and I felt the weight lift from my shoulders. It was over; it was really over. The ones responsible for the murder of my family were no longer of this world.

I know the sheriff had a part to play, but he wasn't the one who put hands on my family. And Mancini seems to have some ideas on how to deal with him, which I can't wait to hear. As light as I felt, it was still a bit strange not to have the vendetta hanging over my head.

I've lived with it for so long now that it's almost commonplace, a part of me. It's been quite some time since I've awakened without that shit on my mind. Now he's gone, just like that, and I can't remember what I'd been doing before I set out on this course.

No way am I going back into this man's army, not after all the shit I've learned in the last few months since dealing with the SEALs and their little problem. Then again, the way these boys operate, I'm going to be knee-deep in shit for the next little while.


