An Unexpected Chance – Instaspark Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 66570 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 333(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

“And we get to go out on the town,” I interjected. “We have reservations at nine at the Skylon. You can see the view of the Falls at night. The food is spectacular, I’ve been told.”

“That sounds amazing.”

I glanced over at Mia, trying not to laugh. She was nodding off, the hamburger she’d ordered still clutched in her hand. Beside her, Angela wasn’t faring much better, and Hannah and Brandon were both passed out.

“I think the kids are down.”

Holly chuckled. “They’ve been going like crazy all day. The pool, the maze, the games, back in the pool. Nonstop. I’m not surprised.”

Evan groaned. “They’ll be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow if we let them sleep.” But he leaned over, taking the burger from Mia’s hand and settling her against the back of the leather bench so her neck didn’t get stiff. “Let them sleep.”

I smiled indulgently and picked up my scotch. “Yeah. They’ve had a busy day.”

Amy slipped her hand into mine, squeezing it. “A great day.”


The kids were enraptured by Niagara Falls. Mesmerized by the rush of the water. The mist that swirled around us. They had been up early, and Evan and I had taken them downstairs for breakfast, letting Holly and Amy sleep in. Once that was done, we bundled them into the car and headed for the Falls. It was early so not as busy as usual, which was nice. We did all the touristy things, but the kids liked the Ferris wheel the best, exclaiming in delight over the views and wanting to go back to the Falls again. We stopped for coffee, sitting by the window so they could watch the water, then took them on the boat ride that went close to the Falls. They squealed as the wind swirled the water at the boat and we all got drenched. Brandon crowed in delight, held safe in Evan’s arms. Amy and I held Mia and Angela tight, and Holly kept Hannah close, all of us enjoying the thrill of the ride.

We were laughing and shaking our damp hair as we headed back to the van, ready to return to the lodge. I carried a bag of souvenirs we’d paid far too much money for, but the kids loved. The girls each had a stuffed bear, and Brandon had chosen a dinosaur as his new toy. All were emblazoned with the Niagara Falls logo, and they were excited about them. I was relaxed, happy, and thrilled at how the weekend was going.

Until my name was spoken. Loudly. “Simon?”

I stopped walking, instantly recognizing that annoyed, haughty voice.

I turned and met the frosty gaze of my ex-wife.

“Simon?” she repeated, then she frowned as she took in our group. “Evan? Is that you? What are you doing here together?”

“Amy,” I murmured, tightening my grip on her hand in warning. “You and Holly take the kids to the van. We’ll be right there.”

Amy squeezed my hand in understanding. Holly turned to Evan, who looked down at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Go,” he murmured.

“Who is that lady?” I heard Mia ask as they hurried away.

“I don’t know,” Amy lied, knowing full well who was in front of me but wanting to protect Mia. “Let’s have a race to the van! Winner gets another piece of fudge!”

I waited until I heard their footsteps fade then drew in a deep breath. “Kelsey.”

Evan said nothing.

She looked between us. “Why are you here together?”

“That’s none of your business.”

She looked over my shoulder, an amused smirk on her face. “Isn’t that sweet,” she said, the sarcasm evident. “My ex and my brother. What are you—besties now? Did you bond over your shared dislike of me? Here with your families, having a little vacation? How wonderful.” She clapped her hands, the saccharine sound of her fake delight grating on my nerves. “Was Mia one of them?” she asked. “I should go say hello to my daughter. How rude of you not to introduce us, Simon.”

I studied the woman I had married, wondering how I had been fooled by her. She was beautiful—there was no doubt of that—but her beauty was only skin-deep. Underneath, she was bitter, angry. Filled with disdain for those around her. As I’d discovered, she was selfish and cared only for herself.

“If you need an introduction to your own child, then it’s best left alone,” Evan said.

“Stay out of this,” Kelsey snapped.

Evan crossed his arms. “No, I don’t think so. I’m too fond of my niece to let you even get close to her.”

“You can’t stop me. I want to see her.”

“You’ve never had any interest in her, so why would I bother introducing you?” I narrowed my eyes. “And why are you here?” Kelsey wasn’t one for a weekend in Niagara Falls. She would rather fly to Barbados or somewhere far more exotic.


