Always His Cowgirl (Always #2) Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Always Series by Lucy Darling

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 20424 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 102(@200wpm)___ 82(@250wpm)___ 68(@300wpm)

She gives me that bright smile of hers, the one that captured my heart. I hold my hand out for her. She grabs it instantly as I pull her through the window into my room. Before she can say anything, my mouth is on hers as I pick her up, carrying her to bed with me. Where she belongs. She giggles against my lips as I lay her down onto the bed.

“Did you really think I was going to be crawling through this window?” She smiles up at me. Her delicate fingers trail up and down my jaw.

“I missed you.” I drop my forehead to hers.

“You saw me three hours ago.” She rubs her nose against mine. “Not that the feeling isn't mutual. I’m here, aren't I?”

“It takes me back.” She nods in agreement going back to that night so many years ago she climbed into my bedroom window not feeling good. Before everything changed for us. At least it changed for a while. We found our way back. There was no other way. My path was always meant to lead to her. Daisy and I have always been like two magnets. Get us close to one another and there will be no stopping what is meant to happen. We were young back then. She was younger than me, and even though we always had a connection I still wouldn't cross some lines. Not until she was truly ready. I not only owed that to her but her parents too.

“Yeah, you said you’d wait.” My throat goes tight with how sweet and love-filled her voice is. My Daisy. She could save you with a few touches, but she could end you just as easily. You never want to get on the wrong side of her. Her love, loyalty and friendship are second to none. I thank my lucky stars this woman picked me.

“I’ll wait until I take my last breath. It’s you or no one.” That is the truth. She pulls me down for another kiss. “Daisy.” I pull back, feeling the wetness on her cheeks.

“They’re happy tears, I swear. Kiss me.”

I do. We pull at each other's clothes until we’re both naked. She falls onto the bed, spreading her legs for me, giving me a taste of her sweetness until she floods my mouth with the pleasure I give her. Then I’m inside of her. Making love to Daisy Price for the last time. The next time I’m inside of her she’ll be my wife: Mrs. Joshua Davis.

I fall on the bed next to her, pulling her into my arms. She tucks her head into my neck, her warm breath tickling my skin. “Did you think about this a few times before?”

I bark out a laugh. “You have no idea.”

“Me too.” She kisses my neck. “I hate this sleeping apart crap.”

“Summer will be here soon.” I feel her nod.

“I went and saw Old West this morning.”

“Someone sick?” West is the local veterinarian.

“No, but the next year of course work is working with a vet. The school can line you up with someone, of course, but if you can find one who will mentor you—”

I roll over on top of her, caging her beneath me. “Say it.”

“He said he’d love to mentor me. That it would be nice to have extra pair of hands sometimes.”

I kiss her. It’s crazy how everything keeps going our way. Since Daisy and I finally came back together everything feels easy. Maybe we’ve been lucky. Maybe it’s fate. Or maybe life just feels a whole lot easier when you have the other half of your soul next to you.



Many years later

“This emergency family meeting has been called to discuss a very important matter.” I watch as my wife stands at the head of the table demanding the attention of our entire family, wondering where in the hell she got a pink gavel. She might just need it in a group this big.

Everyone is here. Whether we are related by blood or deep friendship doesn’t matter. Our families have formed bonds that now stretch over three generations. The only people missing are Bunny and Jameson. Daisy sent her mom out on a very important errand this morning in order for us to have this pow-wow.

Everyone has come home this weekend to celebrate our parents as they renewed their vows to one another. Their love is the reason that we are all here to begin with. The love that they have for each other has shaped all of us and taught us what true love really is. Well, no one had to teach me because I knew what true love was from a very young age. The minute my Daisy had stomped out in her cowboy boots and hat and insisted she would kiss me one day had sealed my fate and hers.


