Always Read Online Books Novel by Kindle Alexander (Always & Forever #1)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Always & Forever Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 103819 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 519(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 346(@300wpm)

Kane attempted to remain discreet and unobtrusive. He stayed as far away from Avery as he could while remaining on the same stage. Robert and Autumn, on the other hand, stood right beside Avery, waving, smiling, enjoying every part of the experience. They were absolutely perfect and played the part of what they truly were, loving children, proud of their father. Avery quickly and completely owned the room. Avery was funny, sharp-witted, and explained politics on such a basic level that he could easily connect with the everyday man or woman.

Once Avery realized Kane wasn't standing on the other side of Robert and Autumn, he very clearly, and publically, corrected that mistake. He made a show of going to Kane, grasping his hand and waving their joined hands in front of the crowd. Kane was certain he was ten shades of red. The heat of the blush crept up his cheeks, but Avery tugged him out of his hiding place to the front of the stage, and they stood there, letting the audience cheer them on. Any lingering signs of worry about his and Avery's relationship were eased as Senator Taylor and his wife came out to join them.

Those next few days passed in a blur. Before he knew it, the whirlwind days became weeks, and weeks became months of Avery traveling the country and winning himself a place in the people's hearts. The conservatives came out in abundance, picketing every event Avery attended in the Southern United States. Kane tried to create some semblance of normalcy for Autumn and Robert. His only stipulation in this entire campaign was that he remain out of the limelight. Even when coached, he didn't feel comfortable with the press. Those times were hard, too hard, and he shied away from the exposure. Avery refused to be anything but himself, keeping their standing date nights going, and continued his show of being out and around town with Kane, which forced him more and more into the public eye.

In September 1992, the frequent parties and social gatherings all came to an abrupt halt. Kane was in Washington when he got a call letting him know Paulie had had a heart attack and was in critical condition. Kane barely stopped long enough to leave a message for Avery and arrange childcare before he was on the next flight out in a panicked race to get back to Minnesota.

Chapter 26

"Avery…" Janice whispered in his ear, sliding a folded note in front of him as he sat in a round table discussion at the Midwest Governors' Conference in Chicago. He nodded once, but continued to listen to the discussion going on around him.

"Sir, it's important," she whispered again, tapping the note with one of her well-manicured fingernails. When Avery still didn't give, Janice did something she'd never done before; she lifted the note and put the paper in front of Avery's eyes. That got his attention. The words were simple, and everything around him faded away as he read Paulie had been hospitalized and Kane was on his way there now. Shit! He crushed the note with his fist and abruptly stood, effectively ending any discussion going on around him.

"I need a car," he said to Janice.

"There's one waiting, sir," she said from behind him.

"Gentleman, I've had a family emergency, please continue this without me." He never looked back as he left the room, eating up the distance to the front door.

"What have you found out?" Avery asked, hearing Janice's high heels clicking on the polished marble floor behind him, trying hard to keep up with his long and hurried strides.

"He's not well. They don't expect him to make it through the night," Janice said as he hit the front door. A driver stood by a Lincoln Town Car, holding the backdoor open for Avery.

"Where's Kane?" Avery asked, sliding inside. Janice jogged around the side of the car, ducking in next to him.

"He should be boarding his plane now. He called me from the airport," Janice said, looking down at her watch.

"How did he sound?" Avery asked, but Janice's non-answer was enough. Kane must be frantic. Damn, he should have insisted Paulie move with them to Washington.

"I've chartered you a plane. A car will pick you up, take you to the hospital. I took the liberty to have your schedule cleared. It wasn't a popular decision with the campaign organizers," Janice said, her portfolio now spread out on her lap. Avery was lost to it all; her words drowned out by his thoughts of Kane as he stared out the side door window, focusing on nothing but his husband's indubitable loss. Paulie was an old man, well into his eighties. He'd lived a good long life, Kane had made sure of that. He knew this day would come, but he'd hoped not for a few more years.

This would give Kane one less family member, and for a man who lived for his family, that loss was a tragedy. Avery's heart hurt with the grief Kane would feel. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he did what he knew Kane was doing right now. He said a prayer. "Please, God, let Paulie hold on until Kane gets there."

* * * *

Sometime late in the evening, Kane stood in the hallway outside Paulie's hospital room. His red-rimmed eyes stung. He wore his heart on his sleeve and tried to steel his emotions as he pushed open the door, but he broke at the sight of Paulie lying there, not moving. His frail worn-out body hooked up to machines. The medical equipment kept a steady beep in perfect time with Paulie's old heart. Kane ran his hand through his hair, gathering himself. The sterile smell of the hospital room made his stomach roil. He hated the stark white walls that surrounded the man he considered his father. He hated knowing what would come of this, but most of all, Kane hated being powerless over the whole blasted situation.

Avery sat directly in front of Paulie, holding his hand, steadily talking to him. "He's coming. I promise he's coming. Hang on, Paulie," Avery pleaded.


