Alphas Like Us Read Online Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie (Like Us #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Like Us Series by Krista Ritchie

Total pages in book: 149
Estimated words: 146548 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 733(@200wpm)___ 586(@250wpm)___ 488(@300wpm)

In and out, the hypnotic, blistering pace lights me up. My muscles tighten, his heavy breath against the back of my neck.

He kisses my deltoids with another thrust in—fuck yes, I seize his ass. Feeling him flex beneath my palm.

“Farrow,” he grunts, rocking his hips. “God.”


He plants his hand on my waist. Steadying me while my palm slips on the stall. Not getting good traction, I take my hand off his ass. Both hands to the wood.

Our bodies rock together with each thrust forward, and he hits my prostate, the intensity like a sudden burst.

“Fuck,” I moan, biting down.

He hits the spot again.

My mouth breaks apart.

Again. I can’t breathe.

Again. I’m rock hard, my balls aching to detonate. Thoughts flit out of my mind—again, he nails my prostate. Fucking.


Every muscle in my body pulls taut, ready to snap apart. He quickens his pace into me. Deep, hard thrusts that thunder my body.

It feels…fucking incredible.

I turn my head back, and our eyes fuck as hard as our bodies. I let go of the door to hold the back of his head. He thrusts forward—a deeper, overcome noise breaches my lips.

“Fuck me,” Maximoff makes a wolfish, hot-as-sin groan.

I kiss him, only once.

He pushes quicker, faster, like he needs that climax now.

But then he hits the spot again—and every muscle snaps, every nerve bursts. I am fucking gone.

“Fuck,” I groan, a climax roaring through me. I sheath the head of my erection with my hand, cum warming my palm. I pulsate in long, pleasured waves.

It takes me a second to reorient my mind. But I do. Maximoff is already pulled out, coming in his hand, and we clean up with paper towels. When he returns, we kiss strongly, and Maximoff tries to hide his smile.

But I feel his lips rise against my mouth, and I pull back. “Are you going to say it or are you just going to dream about it?” I tease.

Confidently, he says, “I made you come hands-free.” It’s what he’s been obsessing over, and his tone says, I’m better than you at sex.

I don’t tear from his gaze.

Shit, he’s hot and cute. And I love him hard. “You realize I made you come hands-free the last five times I fucked you?”

“That’s different. I’m a billion times easier to get off on prostate stimulation than you.”

I can’t deny that truth, and he moves away from me to use the sink, turning the gold faucet. I watch him while we get dressed, boxer-briefs and pants back on our waist.

I tuck my black shirt into my pants. He’s gone eerily quiet. Almost dazed.

My pulse skips a beat. I buckle my belt and then near him after he zips up his jeans.


He trains his faraway look onto me. “I did this wrong.”

My ribs tighten, and I fish his button through the hole, helping him. “We just established that you fucked me really well.”

Maximoff hangs his head.

He almost never hangs his head like this.

“Hey.” I tilt my head sideways and bend a little. “Wolf scout, look at me.”

His chest collapses, and bloodshot eyes rise up to me. He looks conflicted, and I try to trace the paths back to what happened. What happened?

I shake my head. My stomach is in knots, and I hold the back of his neck in a protective grip. “Talk to me.”

He swallows hard, brows cinching in deep, anguished thought. “After thirty-hours apart, I saw you and I just really wanted to fuck your brains out. God, I didn’t even ask how your day was at the hospital.”

I see where this is going, and I knew we’d be here one day. But my chest hurts seeing him wrestle with this shit.

Maximoff explains more, “And I don’t know if that means something’s wrong with me. Or if I just love sex. Or if I’m overthinking everything because my mom is a sex addict, and even if I think I’m in control, there’s a part of me that wonders, what if I’m not? And I can’t get out of my own goddamn head.” His voice actually cracks.

I cup his cheek. “You’re okay.” Each word is like a knife in my gut because I feel how tormented this whole thing is for him. “You’re just overthinking.”

“Which part?”

“All of it,” I whisper and kiss him tenderly.

He’s still pained.

When we first started having sex, I asked him if he was worried about being a sex addict. He said no. But before he was with me, he tried to control his sex life with parameters. Hookups at night. Never the same person. Never in public.

See, our public relationship has opened the door to public sex. We can come out of a bathroom together and not give a flying shit if anyone catches us.

We can also fuck at any hour, any day. Unlike the controlled one-night stands before. I figured at some point, he’d reevaluate everything and question what’s normal.


