Alpha’s Command (Shifter Ops #6) Read Online Renee Rose, Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Angst, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Shifter Ops Series by Lee Savino
Series: Shifter Ops Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 65371 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

I hope he is. I’d like to question him personally.

I pocket my phone and head inside just in time to hear Geo ask Julia,

“Mom, can I go to a fight club?”

Oh shit. Julia’s head snaps to me as she asks Geo, “A what?”

“A fight club. For shifters. Channing’s friends run it. They’re having a pop-up one in Flagstaff.”

Crap. I raise my hands. “He overheard Buddy and me talking.”

She shakes her head at me but keeps her voice gentle, “No, that doesn’t sound like a good idea.”

“Fine.” Geo shrugs. “I’ll just go when I’m over eighteen.”

Sorry, I mouth to Julia as we take our seats at the table. Julia made pasta and invited Buddy to stick around, since he and I are working on fixing her car.

After four plates of spaghetti, I kick back, balancing my chair on the back two legs. My abs contract with the effort. On the opposite side of the table, Geo does the same, wobbling and holding on to the edge of the table until he achieves the balance. Delight flickers in his eyes.

Julia is less than pleased. “Can you please stop that?”

We both let the front legs come down with a thump.

“Thank you. Did you three have fun today?”

“Oh yeah,” Geo says. “Channing’s teaching me to drive a car. Hotwire one, too.”

Julia’s eyebrows creep up. “Excuse me?”

“You never know when you’ll be on the run and need a getaway vehicle,” Geo repeats my joke word for word.

I wince.

Julia’s lips press together in a way that tells me that she’s going to take me to task about it later. Another addition to the list of my sins.

“It’s like when you were in Bangkok,” Geo continues. “On a mission. And those guys were shooting at you.”

Julia sucks in a breath.

“That wasn’t Bangkok,” I say. “And they weren’t shooting at us. They just wanted to have a…conversation. With guns.”

“I guess you told him about some of your missions.” Julia doesn't sound happy.

“At least that time they weren’t shooting silver bullets,” Geo prattles on. “They can kill a shifter, you know. Like the time in Italy when Rafe got shot–”

“Geo,” I mutter and slice a hand across my neck in a cut it out gesture.

“Anyway, your job is cool,” Geo mumbles and subsides.

“Channing,” Julia says. “I don’t think learning to drive or hotwire a car are part of the mentoring Geo requires from you.”

“Right. Sorry.”

She draws in a breath and sighs. “I have to go out of town next week. An overnight trip to New York.” She turns to Geo, her tone apologetic. “If I could get out of it, I would.”

“A work trip?” I keep my voice casual, but my wolf wants to howl. “With Mr. Van De Butt?”

Geo snickers, and Julia gives me a disparaging look. “Van den Berg,” she corrects, as if I’m simply confused.

Buddy keeps his head down, focused on munching through his third plate of food, but I know he’s taking in every detail and could repeat it verbatim.

“Geo, I’ve arranged for you to stay with Justin’s family like last time.”

“Can’t I stay here? With Uncle Channing?”

I meet Julia’s gaze and give a subtle nod. Of course, I’m willing. I’d love some man-to-man time with the pup. I’ve already taught him how to change the oil in Julia’s car, and I bought him a razor and shaving cream for the peach fuzz on his upper lip.

“Maybe next time,” Julia says.


I shouldn’t let it bother me. The fact that she doesn’t think I’m dependable enough to stay with Geo. That she doesn’t trust me. I get it–I’m not the best role model.

She throws me an apologetic look. “It’s just easier this way. He can stay in his normal routine. I already made arrangements with Justin’s mom.” She turns her gaze back to Geo. “She’ll pick you and Justin up from school.”

“But–” Geo starts to protest.

“It’ll be okay,” I say. Because my job is to make Julia’s life easier, not more complicated. “You stay with your friend. If you need anything, I’m only a phone call away.”

The relief that passes over Julia’s face shouldn’t cut so deep.


I may have earned her forgiveness, but I haven’t proven myself worthy.

It’s quite possible I never will.


Channing does the dishes with Geo then finds me finishing some last minute emails in my office.

“I’m almost done fixing your car–I can have it done by the time you get back from your trip. I can give you a ride to the airport,” he tells me.

“No need. My boss is sending a car. We’re taking his jet.”

His brows arch. “Well, hoity toity Mr. Burns.”

I give him a look that says Stop.

“I don’t like him.”

“That’s interesting. He doesn't like you.”

He leans against the door, not ruffled at all. “You’re mad at me.”

“I’m not mad, I just–”

“Is it because I taught Geo to drive? Or the hot wiring the car thing? Or because I told him about my missions?” He gives me that aw, shucks expression, which makes it impossible to stay annoyed.


