Alpha Varsity (Wolf Ridge High #5) Read Online Renee Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, New Adult, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Wolf Ridge High Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 69734 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 349(@200wpm)___ 279(@250wpm)___ 232(@300wpm)

Coach Jamison pulls in at his house and shuts off the truck. “Come on. Get inside.”

I hop out of the truck. “Am I hiding?”

He blows out an exacerbated breath as he walks to the door. “Not exactly. You’re in my custody. I’d rather be the guy holding you than have the sheriff get his hands on you. Or Alpha Green.”

Alpha Green.

I don’t expect the alpha to take mercy on me. He banished his own son for selling marijuana when he was my age. And it’s not like I wasn’t warned.

Coach Jamison opens the door and ushers me in. As tight as me and my friends are with Coach, he’s never had us to his place. He keeps that line of respect and authority crystal clear. I look around at the small, clean house.

It’s furnished simply with clean lines and modern pieces. There’s a large-screen television on one wall. An apple green rug between it at the gray leather couch.

“Get cleaned up.” Coach points down the hall.

“Yes, Sir.”

I do as I’m told, washing the blood from my hands and my ear. Shaking pieces of glass from my hair and clothes onto Coach’s white tile floor.

When I come out, I find Coach standing in his kitchen ending a phone call.

“Well?” I ask.

“Shifter council. Tonight.”

“Is it open to the rest of the pack?” I already know the answer, but I’m thinking about my mom. She would want to be there.


That means Coach Jamison can’t be there either. I will have absolutely no one in my corner when I stand to speak on my own behalf. And speaking to authority has never been my gift. I am well and thoroughly fucked.

This is definitely the end of line for me in Wolf Ridge.


“I’m sorry, Carlotta, but it’s out of my hands. Alpha Green called a council meeting.”

I stare at Principal Olsen, my heart beating against my ribs like a trapped bird in a cage.

I just spent two hours explaining to the principal and the sheriff exactly what happened. I worked with Zory, the janitor, to get my window outfitted with plywood. Principal Olsen made the call not to notify the school district, so he’s trying to arrange for some pack members who work as builders to cover the cost of the repair.

Which doesn’t help Asher’s case in the slightest.

A council meeting is serious.

“That hardly seems necessary. This was a school incident, and we’ve taken care of the situation.” I rub my nose to stop it from burning.

“I know you’re sympathetic to Asher, but he has a history of unchecked volatility. While his heart was in the right place, he showed extremely poor judgment today. I hate to say it, but he’s a liability to the pack. That’s why I let Alpha Green know when he broke Eric Damonella’s wrist, and that’s why I called him again today. You know as well as I do how badly things might have gone this afternoon. If it hadn’t been for your manipulation of the human, we would be looking at assault charges or a lawsuit.”

“I know. But that didn’t happen.”

“Where is Asher now?”

I need to see my mate. Crave it with a desperation that’s making me feverish. And not for sex this time. I need to know he’s okay.

“Coach Jamison has him sequestered until the meeting.” He looks at his watch. “But the meeting begins in ten minutes, so he’ll be on his way to the pack hall.”

No. I won’t let Asher take the fall for this.

Especially not when all he has to do to get off is say he’s my mate, and I sealed his lips on that.

I don’t think he’ll go against my wishes, either. He’s too protective of me.

Well, dammit, I’m protective, too.

I’m going to crash that meeting.

“Will you and Coach Jamison be at the meeting?”

“No. Council only.”

Fuck. “Principal Olsen?”


“May I see Asher’s disciplinary file?”

My employer’s eyes narrow, and he considers me. I am a teacher at the school, and Asher is my student. I believe I have a right to ask for the file, but I’m not certain.

He shrugs, though, and pulls open a drawer in the filing cabinet behind him. He hands over a folder. It’s thick with handwritten and typed notes about Asher’s behavior going all the way back to kindergarten. “Have at it. I can’t see what good it will do you, though.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I take the folder and jog out to my car, leafing through the pages as I go. I have an idea. It’s not fully-formed yet, but I’m hoping Asher’s file will help.


The Wolf Ridge high council consists of the alpha and twelve members–six female, six male. All, including Lotta’s mom, are from pack royalty–the families with the best blood lines.

Coach sits with me outside the pack hall to wait.

The door opens, and one of the pack elders nods at me to come in. There’s no trace of compassion in his face.


