Almost Strangers Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Forbidden, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 64929 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 325(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

“Okay…” Adrian started walking over to the bed, glancing behind him to make I was following. “Do I… The pups on… Well, they… kneel?”

I couldn’t tell if he was asking because he wanted to kneel or if he thought it was too fucked up and wanted to make sure he didn’t have to. I licked my lips again, and my mouth felt too dry for me to speak at first. “Yeah,” I said softly. “Try to think of yourself as a puppy, okay? Not as Adrian.” Not as my uptight big brother who was somehow letting his defenses down in front of me.

He obeyed, but he looked every bit as red as I did pale. “Like this?”

“Shh,” I admonished him, but my tone was gentle. I crossed the room, running my fingers through his hair, petting him. “Good boy,” I praised.

A shiver ran through him — or was it a shudder? — and I almost stopped then and there. “Do you have a safe word?” I asked hoarsely. “You know, a signal for me to stop if it gets to be too much. Just one word, and I’ll stop. I mean, I’ll stop if you say stop, but—” I was rambling, and I cut myself off, half-afraid of what the answer might be.

Adrian nodded, finally looking confident. “I read… That’s… Yes. Um, red, please.” “Red,” I repeated, nodding. “Yellow, then, if something gets close to being too much, okay?” It was fucking leash training. What was going to be too much about that? Everything.

My hands were shaking as I picked up the collar, and I knelt beside him, stroking his hair again. “Good boy,” I praised again as he stilled, letting me put the collar on him. And fuck, I was glad these pants were roomy, or I’d have been fucking uncomfortable. I scratched lightly behind his ear, and slowly, I started to regain my confidence. “Stay,” I ordered him. I grabbed the leash. “You want to go for a walk, Pup?” I asked, running my fingers over the metal of the leash’s clasp.

He looked at me, confusion and longing on his face, then nodded hesitantly and quietly.

If we were going to do this, we were going to do this.

I tilted my head. “Is that how puppies say yes?” I asked him, quirking a brow. “I think you can do better if you really want to go for a walk, hmm?” He looked down at the floor and a low whine escaped him. It was just the barest hint of a sound, but it was something, so I just waited… then a little bark followed. It was so quiet I almost didn’t hear it. His face flushed red and his head dropped with his clear embarrassment.

I didn’t want to push him too far, but the sound made my cock throb. “Good boy,” I said instead, smoothing my hand over his hair. “Such a good boy for Master, Pup,” I told him.

It was too easy to fall into this, to tumble down this path like I was Alice going down the rabbit hole. But he was going along with it, and I didn’t want to stop until he told me to.

I clipped the leash to his collar, again praising him. “Up,” I urged him, and I wanted so badly to slide my hand along his side and coax him into the best position. “We’ll take it slow today, Pup. I know you’re just learning,” I said, going for a tone that was as soothing but firm as I could. “Can you take a step toward me, Pup?”

Adrian shifted to all fours cautiously, watching my reactions. He gave another low whine, and I reached out a hand to caress his head, trailing my fingers down his neck to trace around the collar.

He leaned into my touch and I could see some of the tension leaving his body. It wasn’t much of a change, but it felt huge, like he was starting to trust me and see me as his master. I was heading straight to hell, but he was too sweet like this to pull away from. I had to see where this went, and backing away was quickly becoming impossible.

“Good. So good for me,” I said again. He’d said he liked that, the reassurance and the praise, and I found that I liked offering it to him.

It was a heady feeling, watching him surrender to me and knowing he was relaxing instead of tensing up.

I let out a little more slack in the leash, letting it drape between us. “Stay,” I told him firmly, taking three steps back, four, enough to where the leash was almost pulled taut. He stayed. Not only did he stay, but I could see something blossoming on his face that I couldn’t have explained if the world had depended on it. I swallowed hard again, trying to clear the lump from my throat. I was breathless as I repeated, “Stay. Good boy.” I waited several heartbeats, but he just sat there, looking at me trustingly, waiting on his master. “Good boy.”


