All the Wright Moves – Wright Series Read Online K.A. Linde

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 69266 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

When he pulled back, he searched my eyes for a hint of regret or a wish to stop. But I had none of that. I wanted this. I’d made my mind up long before we got here.

“Please,” I said, tilting my hips up to try to get him to move.

“I can deny you nothing.”

Then as promised, he moved forward. So, so slow at first. Just the head. In and out. An inch at a time as he stretched my awaiting body. Until he was buried all the way inside of me. I was so full, as I’d never been before. Not quite painful because I was so warmed up, but it was almost uncomfortable.

Then he withdrew and all of that evaporated. Pleasure hit me as West retreated and crashed back into me. Sweat beaded on our joined bodies as he took everything I was giving him. As I offered myself up on a platter.

He sat up and gripped my hips, thrusting somehow deeper inside of me. My eyes were tightly closed as moans left my mouth, and I pushed my hands into my hair.

“Are you going to come again?” he asked in a breathless pant.

Miraculously, I was. I’d never come during sex. And I was starting to think that I had been grossly misinformed about a lot of shit. Because this was incredible. This was mind-blowing. This was everything I’d always wanted.

And then I stiffened all over, contracting tight around his cock as I came entirely unexpectedly.

I cried out into the bedroom, and then West joined my shouts with a roar of his own as he unleashed inside of me. He jerked forward twice as he spent himself and then dropped forward over me.

“Oh,” I whispered. “Oh wow.”

“Yeah. Fuck.”

“That was…” I had no words. I just stared at the ceiling in shock.

West withdrew and got rid of the condom. “That was…amazing.”


“Worth it,” he said softly against my shoulder as he drew me into him. “Sweet dreams.”

And I smiled at the words that I’d said to him after catching him coming out of the shower. Oh, how sweet my dreams had been then. Now, my dreams were a reality.

Suddenly, the entire day weighed down on me. All that exhaustion I’d been holding hung heavy over me. I was warm and spent with my roommate pressed naked against my back. I couldn’t have stayed awake if I wanted to.



When I yawned awake the next morning, Nora was still naked in my arms. The light was blinding through my windows. I cursed myself for not having gotten any kind of curtains up yet. I’d never been a morning person in my life, and I certainly wasn’t one today.

I tried to move my arm, but she made a noise of protest and snuggled in closer. It was the most adorable thing that I’d ever seen in my life. I should have felt an ounce of regret for what had happened last night. But I didn’t.

I’d tried to stay away from Nora. When she’d looked at me like that and told me she wanted me, how could anyone fucking blame me?

Well, I had a feeling that Campbell would blame me.

I cringed at that thought.

Right. Last night had been a dream, and reality was creeping in with the morning sunlight.

Campbell Abbey was not forgiving, and he had a temper. I’d seen it firsthand. He hadn’t forgiven Michael for quitting the band. They still hadn’t reconciled over it. The rest of the band had spent time with Michael and worked out their differences. But as much as Campbell loved Michael—and I knew he did—he hadn’t even let Michael help in production on the album.

Campbell might be my best friend, but I wasn’t exempt from his anger. And the easiest way to rile it was disloyalty. However he saw that.

With a sigh, I rolled my arm out from under Nora. She tugged the covers tighter around her. The urge to crawl back under those covers and pleasure her until she cried out again was unmistakable. If I didn’t get out of this room right now, I’d do just that.

So, I threw on a pair of boxers and headed into the kitchen. Maybe some coffee would clear my head.

I heard the buzzing once the pot was percolating. Locating my phone, which had somehow been discarded on the kitchen table, I realized I’d missed a few calls from Campbell.

I swallowed. “Fuck.”

Then, I called him back. “Hey, man.”

“Where the fuck have you been all morning? It’s almost noon. I’m halfway to your place.”

My eyes shot wide. “What? Why? What happened?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there.”

“Sure.” I hoped that my voice sounded calm and not like I was freaking the fuck out.

“Be there in five.” Campbell ended the call.

I launched across the room, ignoring the coffee entirely and rushing back to my bedroom.


