Alfie – Part 2 Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, M-M Romance, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 85322 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 427(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

Sick, my ass.

I took the elevator down to the garage and texted Alfie to let him know I was hungry and on my way.

“Uncle West!”

“Reagan! What did Daddy and I tell you about opening the door by yourself?”

“Is that West? Papi, I’ll make a plate for you! Ouch, Ma! Why you gotta hit me all the time? Christ!”

“Daddy’s here!”

“Come on in, West. It’s good to see you again.”

It was the best birthday mayhem upon arrival every time. Today we celebrated Liam and Luna’s eldest a little early. His actual birthday wasn’t until next month. I greeted Emilia and little Reagan, Ellie jumped up into my arms and pointed out all the balloons, and then it was the fantastic sight of the island as soon as I entered the kitchen. Food everywhere, courtesy of Emilia, Giulia, Shan’s sister, and Luna.

“Come to the den, Daddy! Colby and I are kicking butts in mini golf!” Ellie jumped down again and disappeared. Those VR glasses had been a good gift; the whole family had started playing golf. Shan and I were pleased.

“I’ll be there in a sec, princess,” I said. I dipped down and kissed Giulia’s cheek. “Did you by any chance make your artichoke dip?”

She beamed up at me. “Such a question! Of course I did, tesoro.”

“Of course I did, tesoro,” Alfie mocked in the background. “When Dad and I wanna try the taquitos, we get whacked with a wooden spoon, but when precious West wants somethin’…”

“Whacked or waxed, mate?” Kellan asked in passing.

“For fuck’s sake!” Alfie hollered.

I laughed and hugged him to me. “You poor thing.”

“We need five more minutes with the food. Shoo!” Emilia put a beer in my hand and ushered us out of the kitchen.

Now that it was getting colder, the birthday celebrations were moved from the backyard to the big den just past the kitchen. The room was divided into two parts, one for children’s entertainment and one for grown-ups. VR games and pool over there, seating area with the game on over here. Shan, Phil, Liam, Kellan, Eric⁠—

“Have a seat, my friend,” Shan said.

“What the fuck’re you doing?” Finn hollered at the TV. His voice carried and naturally upset the little baby girl in his arms. “Shite—I’m sorry, baby. You know how Daddy gets.”

“I’mma rescue her.” Alfie walked over to Finn’s chair and gently snatched up the newborn. “Oh God—never mind.” The baby was promptly returned to Finn. “Change her damn diaper, cousin. The fuck is wrong wit’chu?”

I grinned and took a swig of my beer.

Another wonderful Saturday with mobsters and diaper talk.


