ALEC Read Online Novels L.A. Casey (Slater Brothers #2)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Slater Brothers Series by L.A. Casey

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 139789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

"No, consider it a pre-wedding gift for you and Keela."

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

"Mother!" I screeched.

My ma smiled, evilly.

"This was a fun chat, it was lovely to meet you Alec. Thank you for taking a chance on my girl."

Oh my God.

"It was actually Keela who took a chance on me. Your daughter is too good for me Ms. Daley, but I plan to spend as long as it takes to be worthy of her," Alec said proudly as he sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder while he placed my ma's cup of tea on the coffee table in front of her.

I could have squeezed him for saying what he did because the shocked look on my ma's face was priceless.

"I better get going. I will see you both the day before the wedding when I fly out. I expect you both to look the part, do not embarrass me Keela."

"I wouldn’t dream of it ma," I said, my tone cold as ice.

My mother hummed as she stood up and straightened her clothes. "Lovely to meet you pet," she said to Alec then turned and walked towards the door of my apartment. She of course gazed down the hallway and into the kitchen for God's only knows what before she opened the door and left.

I groaned in relief and shrunk backwards into the settee.

"Thank God that is over with."

Alec nudged my knee with his. "It could have been worse."

I looked to him with raised eyebrows. "How could it have been worse?"

Alec grinned. "She could have walked in on me fucking you on the kitchen table."

Don't hit him.

"You're sick in the head, you know that right?"

Alec shrugged then looked to the coffee table. "Why did she ask me to make her tea if she didn't drink it?"

I sat upright. "She doesn't drink tea, I'm pretty sure she asked you to make it just so she could grill me with you out of the way."

Alec glanced to me. "I heard her talking to you about your weight and I want you to know she's wrong. You're not overweight; I think you're the perfect weight. You have a gorgeous body."

He thought that?

I flushed. "You're just sayin' that because I won't sleep with you and you don't like bein' rejected."

Alec winked at me. "You're correct, I don't like being rejected so that is part of the reason why I want to fuck you. But the other part, the main part, is because you're hot."

I frowned. "Am I supposed to be flattered?"


"You're a dickhead."

Alec laughed. "Is that the best insult you've got?"

"Give me awhile, I'll come up with some bad names that will shock you to the core."

Alec stood up. "I don't doubt that for a second," he said.

I scratched my arm and curiously asked, "How long was she here?"

Alec shrugged as he got my mother's untouched cup of tea and brought it to the sink. "About ten minutes before you got back."

I groaned. "What did she talk about?"

Alec shrugged, again. "She just asked where I was from, who and where is my family and what I did for a living."

I swallowed. "And what did you tell her?"

Alec glanced to me and grinned. "I told her the truth, that I am from New York and I came here with my four brothers and I am currently in-between jobs."

I blew out a breath of relief and it made Alec laugh.

"You didn't really think I would tell her what I previously did for work did you?"

I blushed. "You're very open Alec, I don't think I could ever be certain over what comes out of your mouth."

Alec stuck his tongue out at me then whistled loudly before calling Storm's name.

I gaped at Storm when he barrelled down the hallway from the bedroom and into the kitchen. I have to call him at least ten times before the fucker will even acknowledge me.

"How did you do that? He never comes to me when I call him the first time."

Alec shrugged as he bent down and petted Storm's head. "Maybe it's the tone I call him in. I don't leave room for arguments."

I snorted. "That must only work with dogs then."

Alec glanced to me. "It works on humans, too."

"Not this human."

Alec smiled. "Wait till you warm up to me kitten, you will see just how persuasive I can be."

I felt like he was threatening me.

"It will be a cold day in Hell before you can persuade me to do anythin', playboy."

Alec winked. "I'm going to thoroughly enjoy completing these challenges you're setting, one by one."

I snarled at him making him snicker as he got Storm's lead from the table and hooked it back onto his collar. I got up from the sofa and quickly moved into the kitchen next to Storm and held my hands up in front of my chest.

"I already brought him out, we did a few laps of the park."

Alec raised an eyebrow. "Yes, and I'm going to bring him out again. I want him to get used to me being here. I'll bond with him more on my own."

I swallowed.

That was so cute, but another walk for my baby was not happening.

"I get that and it's brilliant that you're thinkin' of him but I don't want him to go on another walk."

Alec tilted his head to the side. "Why?"

I sighed. "Because his breathin' gets bad when he does too much in one day, I don't want to push him."

Alec shook his head at me. "Keela, this may be hard for you to hear, but Storm-'

"Don't say it."


"Do. Not. Say. It."


I gasped and slapped Alec's arm. "You bastard, he is right there, he can fuckin' hear you!"

Alec bit down on his lower lip.

"He isn't fat either, he just has a thick coat of fur. That's all."

Alec beamed at me. "You have just overtaken bee on the cuteness scale."


"Excuse me?"

"Bronagh, we call her bee. She can be very cute, but damn kitten, so can you."

I growled. "I'm not cute and you're not bringin' Storm out."

Alec scrubbed his face with his free hand and said, "Baby, I'm not insulting the big guy. I'm just stating facts. He is overweight, and it's not healthy for him. I think we should start weaning him from big portioned meals, and bring him out more often."


