Agony Read online Kaylee Ryan (Entangled Hearts Duet #1)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 89688 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 448(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

“Hey, you still coming over tonight so we can leave here in the morning?”

“Yes. Hunter is dropping me off now. I just have to pack, and then I’ll be there. Is Tessa already there?”

“Yeah, she got here a few minutes ago. You want me to come and pick you up?”

“Nah, as long as my car won’t be in the way there.”

“No, it’s all good. Drive safe.”

“See you soon.” I end the call and slide my phone back in my purse. “Sorry, that was Cooper. He was asking if I was still staying there tonight, since we’re all heading out in the early morning hours.”

“You’re spending the night there?” he asks.

“Yeah, I do it all the time. It makes sense since everyone who’s going is already there. Tessa is staying over with Nixon. This way, they don’t have to wait on me or pick me up.”

He’s quiet, and I’m worried he’s pissed off. “You need me to drive you over there?”

“No, that’s okay.”

“Reese.” He waits for me to look at him. “I don’t mind. That will give me more time with you anyway.”

His words are sweet, just like the man. “Okay. Just let me run upstairs and pack. Do you want to come up?” I offer. He’s never been in my place. He’s walked me to the door, but he’s never actually been inside.

“Definitely. I can carry your bags for you.” He reaches for his door handle and follows me down the walkway into the building and into my apartment.

“This is home,” I say, waving my hands around the room. “Have a seat.” I point to the couch. “Do you want something to drink?”

“No. I’m good.”

“Okay. Just give me a few to pack.” I rush to my room, toss my suitcase on the bed, and begin grabbing everything I’ll need for a week. Sweaters, leggings, jeans, hoodie, long-sleeve T-shirts. I make sure I bring everything I have that has Reeves on the back with the CU colors. I’m there to support my best friend, and that’s what I intend to do. I see Cooper’s CU hoodie, one that I didn’t steal this time, resting on the back of my desk chair. I toss it in as well in case he wants it. Socks, bras, and underwear get tossed in. I grab some sweats just in case, and some pajamas. I packed my toiletries this morning, so I grab that bag and go through it one more time, making sure that I haven’t missed anything.

As I’m wheeling my suitcase into the living room, my phone rings. Cooper. “Hey, you. I just finished packing.”

“Is my CU hoodie at your place? My new one?”

“Yes. I already packed it. It was on my desk.”

“Thanks, Reese. So, you’re on your way?”

“Yeah. Hunter is going to drive me over, so after I do one more mental check to make sure I have everything, I’ll be there.”

“Oh, okay. Have you eaten? I saved you some pizza. We ordered out. Didn’t want to have to clean or leave a mess for Dustin.”

“We ate earlier, but maybe a slice,” I tell him.

“Okay. I’ll see you soon, Reese.”

“Bye.” I slide the phone in my back pocket.

“Cooper?” Hunter asks.

“Yeah. He wanted to know if he left his hoodie here. It was in my room.”

“The two of you never dated?” I can hear the disbelief in his voice.

“Nope.” It’s not a lie. Kissing him, and well… everything else we did wasn’t a date. It was a moment in time that I need to forget, but my heart won’t let me. “Just best friends since we were kids. He’s like a brother to me.” I add that on to calm his fears. He has nothing to worry about. Cooper doesn’t see me like that. Sure, he’s a man, and he gets aroused, but to go through with something more… he’s just not interested.

I’ve done well the last few weeks. I’ve been able to be around him and not let my broken pieces fall to the floor. I’m slowly gathering them, holding them close so that one day, maybe my heart can be put back together.

Hunter nods. “You got what you need?” He asking and coming to stand next to me, taking the handle for my suitcase.

“Yes.” I pause, going through my mental checklist. “Oh, hold on. I almost forgot.” I rush back to my room and grab the giant sharable bag of Reese’s Pieces. Cooper gives them to me, but they’re his favorite. He used to say it was because I was his favorite, but deep down, he loves the peanut butter pieces. To be honest, so do I. They’re addicting. “Ready,” I say, holding up the bag.

“Sweet tooth?” Hunter smiles.

“No, well, yes. These are for Cooper. They’re his favorite, and mine too actually, despite the name.” I grin up at him. “It’s more of a good luck kind of thing. He used to give them to me all the time when we were kids, and he still does. It’s usually when something good is going on, when I’m sad, for any reason really. The Combine is a big deal to him, so….” I hold up the bag again and shrug.


