Accidental Attachment Read Online Max Monroe

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 145123 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 726(@200wpm)___ 580(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Sammy’s expression changes, her excitement growing, and she points to the front door of the ballroom dramatically. “Oh look, Chase! There are Mo and Vinny now!”

I turn to rush toward them, Mo having become a fast best friend since Chase and I got together, but I’m surprised when I’m jerked backward, the resistance of Chase’s hand too powerful to overcome.

“Hey, what are you—” I start to ask, my eyebrows pinching in a frown as I whirl to face him, only to be cut off by the literal evacuation of all the air from my lungs.

There, on bended knee, Chase sits poised with a tiny, velvet box that a girl who grew up on rom-coms and spends her time creating literary “happily ever afters” knows the sight of all too well.

I’m already crying. Just big, fat, happy tears sliding down my face.

“Oh my God. You’re gonna—”

“Yep.” Chase nods, the natural ease of his handsome smile during such a huge moment a memory I’ll remember forever. “I’m sealing the deal, locking it up, making the coolest woman on the entire planet mine forever.” He pauses for a brief moment—just enough time for me to wipe the bubble of snot forming at my nose away—and then continues. “That is…if you’ll have me.”

My throat is clogged, and my heart is full. I have never, and I mean never, felt so sure of something in my entire life. I want to scream it from the rooftops, but I force myself to stay quiet long enough for him to finish saying what he has planned.

“Brooke Baker…lover of Dolly, master of words, queen of humor and my heart…will you, please, be my wife?”

“Yes!” I exclaim. “Yes, a thousand times. Yes, before you even asked me. Yes to forever.”

Benji barks and his girl Dolly joins him in the celebration as the whole room erupts into a roar of applause and cheers, but with my pounding, pulsing ears, I barely hear them.

All I can see, all I can sense, all I can feel is the man in front of me.

I lunge forward, just as he pushes to standing, brushing the ring out of the way to put my arms around him tightly. My nose finds a place in his neck and stays there, intent to breathe everything he is in this moment deep into my soul.

“I promised my sister I’d wait until she was here,” Chase whispers softly, a roll of laughter from his chest making him sound out of breath. He untucks our heads to look me in the eye. “So, I did. But I couldn’t wait even a second longer.”

I take Chase’s face in my hands and press my lips to his, completing our fairy-tale moment entirely.

I’ve only pulled away an inch when I hear someone not too far away muse, “You know, they kind of remind me of River and Clive.”

My smile grows a mile, and Chase’s eyes light with wonder.

“Sending the book was an accident,” he says softly. “But you and I? We were meant to be.”

I kiss him again, letting him know with everything inside me that I agree. We are meant to be. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but my most favorite mistake will always be accidentally attaching the wrong file in an email to Chase Dawson at Longstrand Publishing.

Otherwise known as the man of my dreams turned man of my life.

Man of my future. Man of my forever.

My guy.

I couldn’t have written this better if I’d tried.



