A Villain’s Kiss Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62404 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 312(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“Yep.” He leans in and lifts my chin until our lips are close to each other. “And I’m going to make you scream every bad word possible when I make you come.”

“You tried that, it doesn’t work.”

“I can always fuck it out of you.” He winks before his lips touch mine. He kisses me softly, sliding his tongue past my lips and tasting me. His kisses are like bliss. They take over your body and send sparks into every follicle of my being making me want to combust. I close my eyes before he pulls away abruptly. “I like you, Oriana.”

“I like you too, Jake.”

“Good.” He turns, walks to his car, and opens the door. “Go inside, so I know you are safe.”

I stand from the steps and turn to go in, my knees a little wobblily from that toe curling kiss. But before I open the door, I blurt out, “Kyler recorded you the other day…” I turn my head to catch his reaction, “when you said I was your whore.”

“I know.”

“You think of me like that?” I ask, a little angry.

“Of course I do. You’re also so much more. But he isn’t privileged enough to know that. Only you are.” He winks, then adds, “I can be your whore any time you please.”

“I may like that very much.” My lips pull up to a smile at his words. Is Jake romantic? Because that to me is super romantic. Maybe he has warped my head, but I am here for it. All of it.

“That’s my girl,” he says, then waves his hand. “Now, get that sweet ass inside before I decide to change my mind and come up and tie you to your bed and fuck the whore right into you.”

I’m giggling as I reach the door.

“Promises, promises,” I sing back to him. When I step in and turn back to him, I see the smile that was missing when he first arrived, and it looks good on him. “You’ll pick me up tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“How should I dress?”

His eyes roam me. “I prefer you in your birthday suit.” His tongue darts out and licks his lips. “But I guess any type of clothes will do.”

“Clothes I can do.” I nod. “Goodnight, Jake.”

“Goodnight, Oriana. Dream of me?”

“Of course.” I shut the door and lean against it.

Did he really just ask me to marry him?

Or was I dreaming?

Chapter 33

He’s rich, let’s fuck


Oriana sits in my car, staring up at my house.

“I didn’t expect…” She trails off as she turns her head toward me. “I mean, I knew you had money.”

“Is it not to your liking?” I ask.

“I think it’s to everyone’s liking.” A smile touches her lips. “The drive doesn’t bother you? You work in the city, and this is kind of far from the city.”

My eyes scan the area, flitting over my stable, which has three horses, and the chickens in their pen.

“My office has a bed when I’m too tired to drive,” I explain. “But this? This is my home.”

A car pulls up behind us, and I don’t even need to look back to know it’s my mother. Oriana places her hand in mine and gives me a squeeze. How did she know that simple touch was all I needed?

“Are you sure you want me to meet her? You can change your mind if it’s too much,” Oriana states with so much compassion in her gorgeous green eyes that, for some reason, it gives me goose bumps. Then I look in the rearview mirror and cringe. My mother is out of her car and standing there, her eyes locked on the house.

“I want you here. You are the only person in the world I want here at this very moment.” She leans in and her lips touch mine, soft and pure.

I’m not even sure how I managed to get her.

But you can bet I will do anything to keep her.

Oriana is now mine, and no one will take her from me.

No matter what!

“We should get out,” she whispers, her lips still on mine. “Your mother is waiting.” She pulls away, and a small sigh leaves me as she is the first to get out of the car. I wait a second, catch my breath, then follow Oriana out of the car.

What will my mother say?

More importantly, what does she want?

After all this time with no contact, I know she has to want something.

Oriana walks over to my mother and offers her hand to introduce herself.

“Are you his wife, or—”

“One day, she will be my wife,” I say, stepping up next to Oriana and placing my hand on the small of her back. Oriana says nothing, just smiles at my mother. “Mother, it’s been a long time.”

Her eyes scan me.

“You look good. And you’ve done well for yourself, I see.” Her gaze once again goes to my house. “Despite everything.”


