A Vampire’s Mate – Dark Protectors Read Online Rebecca Zanetti

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Novella, Paranormal, Suspense, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 34709 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 174(@200wpm)___ 139(@250wpm)___ 116(@300wpm)

“Sir, I can’t have you in here,” he said firmly.

Jasper shook his head. “My wife and I were robbed. The woman has lost most of her sequins. My name is Jasper Maxwell and I’ve stayed here before.”

The guy behind the desk stood to about five feet eight inches tall with blondish-gray hair and a sour countenance. He quickly typed on a keyboard and then read the computer screen, muttering the whole time. Then he stiffened. “Jasper Maxwell? May I have your address, please?”

Jasper gave him an address from Montana in the States.

“And your phone number?” The front desk clerk straightened his already perfectly pressed jacket.

Jasper easily held Leah in his arms and recited a phone number she knew well. “My phone was stolen along with my wallet, but you should have it on record, along with my address and a credit card.”

The man behind the desk paused in reading and then widened his eyes. “Oh, my goodness. My apologies to you both, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. Shall I call the police?”

“No,” Jasper said, a speck of dried blood dropping from his temple. “We’ve already dealt with the police tonight. For now, we just need a room, and I’ll call in and get my credit cards replaced. You can use the one on file until then.”

“Of course. Of course. Would you like the same room as last time?”

Curiosity filtered through Leah, but she remained quiet, her entire body aching, and her mind spinning with what had to be elation. They’d saved those kids, and she was one name closer to ending this quest.

“Yes. Thank you.” Jasper accepted an old-fashioned key. “I remember the way.”

He turned and, still carrying Leah, walked down a long, beautiful hallway of antique furniture and stunning oil paintings to reach a round elevator. He walked inside and pressed the button for the highest floor.

“You’ve stayed here before?” Leah asked.

“A few times,” Jasper said. “We’ve been here on business, trying to expand the family holdings, and, of course, one of us is usually injured after hunting werewolves. This is a nice place to stay.”

She’d lived a long time but had never bunked anywhere quite as nice as the grand hotel. “I suppose so.”

They reached the top level, and Jasper strode out, unlocking one of two doors to move into a spacious suite with a phenomenal view of the Eiffel Tower. An ornate baroque sofa and chair set fronted a wide-screen television stretched across lovely wallpaper.

Jasper gently placed Leah on her feet.

Pain ticked up her legs, and she bit back a wince, favoring her left foot. Her right one felt like it had gone through a meat grinder.

Jasper reached for the remote and clicked on the television, scrolling to a local channel. Everything in Leah settled as she watched Inspector Dupont with several members of the Brigade de recherche et d’intervention cuffing the three now conscious men as aid workers tended to the children near an ambulance.

Her shoulders finally relaxed. “Looks like George will now get his.” He looked a bit battered and bruised on the television.

Jasper turned up the volume, and a tall female reporter wearing a rain slicker reported that an anonymous caller had tipped off the authorities.

Leah exhaled fully for the first time in a week. “My computer team will be sending all the evidence they’ve gathered against George and his cronies directly to the inspector to make the case.” She wished she knew where the recording had ended up, but considering George had been found with the kids, coupled with the evidence, he was heading to prison—where he belonged.

She reached for the phone, having one more duty to perform. The call immediately went through.

“This is Mallory,” her friend said.

“Mallory. Hi, it’s Leah.”

Mallory squealed. “Oh, Leah. Oh, my goodness. Where are you? I was worried sick, but just heard about the arrest. Reporters are all around here asking questions. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” Leah said. “Sorry. Something came up. You didn’t find my purse, did you?”

“No. Were you robbed? How did you lose that lovely clutch?”

Perhaps the Kurjans had thrown it away. “It’s a long story, but I wanted to thank you for your help in bringing down George and his operation.”

“You’re so welcome. I’m thrilled the children are safe. We should celebrate with a drink. Also, the auction went well, and we raised about two hundred thousand, with many people agreeing to donate annually for the next five years.”

How wonderful. “That’s excellent,” Leah said, smiling. “Great job, Mallory.”

“I’m happy to have helped. We do have news people waiting outside, and I wasn’t sure if you wanted to handle that, or shall I?” Hope filled the woman’s tone.

“Definitely you.” Leah shifted her weight to her other foot, which hurt just as badly. “Since we called in an anonymous tip, I’d like for you to say you’re shocked about George and had no idea he was such a criminal.”


