A Strict School (Birchbane Institute #1) Read Online Loki Renard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Birchbane Institute Series by Loki Renard

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57623 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 288(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

Penelope is forced to reach back and push her skirt and undergarments down over her hips and bottom. They fall in a fabric pool around her feet, leaving her very much exposed.

“This is inhumane,” she sobs.

Jane pays that comment no mind. She is too busy lining up the first of what will be many swats to grace this girl’s behind.

That first stroke of the paddle lands with a sound like a shot being fired, a flash of pink with little circles of white where the paddle’s cut outs flare brightly on Penelope’s pale cheeks before disappearing almost as quickly as it came.

Another stroke, and another soon follow in its wake. The cane might be more immediately painful, but the paddle allows for a punishment to be drawn out, and that is precisely what Jane intends to do for Penelope. This girl deserves a good, long, thorough spanking of the kind that will leave her unable to sit, and with any luck, unable to form those rude, rebellious thoughts that create an environment where idle gossip and conjecture take root.

Penelope squirms in place, her hips twisting and writhing, her ever pinkening cheeks taking on progressively deeper hues.

Jane is glad that Melissa is bearing witness to this punishment. These two girls will be able to go forth and make it clear that whatever might be said, the school’s disciplinarian is very much invested in the job of punishing young ladies who deserve it.

Bereft of modesty and dignity, squirming and wailing over Miss Strict’s desk, Penelope discovers firsthand that copying the glibness of certain other students is not an easy path to follow. The price for attitude is paid in hot, painful shame.

The sound of the paddle cracking against Penelope’s bottom echoes through the door and out into the halls, leaving those who pass by on their way to and from administrative duties or classes very well aware that one of their number has made a grave error in judgement and is being very thoroughly corrected.

When Penelope’s bottom is a bright flaming red, and every stroke causes a gasping sob of pure misery, Jane considers that part of the punishment finished.

“Step out of those clothes, young lady, and take yourself off to the other corner. That’s right. Directly in the corner. Hands on your head.”

Penelope does as she is told, whimpering and crying softly to herself. There is no doubt she is a very sorry girl in this moment. As she lifts her hands to her head, the tail of her shirt rises up to put her poor, sore bottom very much on display for Miss Strict.

Jane lays the paddle on the desk, walks around, and sits down to begin doing the paperwork associated with these punishments. She feels a deep sense of satisfaction at a job well done. Two girls adorn the corners of her office, both very well chastised, and both no doubt vowing to themselves to never end up in such a position again.


Several days later, on the weekend, Laura is taking a constitutional walk as she is in the habit of doing. Both she and Jane like to wander over vast distances, and of late they have taken to rambling together. Unfortunately, there has been a slight cooling in relations between the two women, and so Laura might assume she is alone as she leaves the grassy lower slopes and makes for low snow.

That assumption would be a grave mistake, however.

Today the hills have eyes.

Annoyed eyes.

Eyes seeking vengeance of a kind.

Perhaps Laura is distracted, or maybe she simply needs to pay more attention to her surroundings, having slipped out of the habits of her military training, softened by a civilian life.

Whatever the reason, she is caught unawares by a streak of white which rockets toward her from above. A snowball catches her square in the chest, powder evaporating in an icy spray.

Storm pops up from an outcropping above her, having clearly laid in wait. She is wearing white snow gear and a white hat pulled down low almost all the way to her eyes. Camouflage, in other words.

Stunned, Laura says nothing. That is not a problem, because Storm has plenty to say for herself.

“Stop trying to get me in trouble!” Storm shouts from her high ground. “I heard what you were saying to Strict! I heard you trying to get me spanked! Fuck you!”

Laura glares up at Storm, her eyes blue and furious against the snowy background.

“You will pay for this,” she declares. “When I get hold of you…”

“You’re not getting me, Frau Snitch,” Storm shouts, whipping another snowball at Laura. She clearly has several already made for this occasion. It’s an ambush, though a relatively benign one. “Stop trying to get me in trouble! What did I ever do to you? What’s your problem?”

“My problem is that you’re undisciplined — even with discipline — because you’re spoiled.”


