A Slaying In The Village – Briar Reef Murder Mystery Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 74766 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

Over the span of a few weeks, she’d been able to piece the puzzle together and knew that the drug could be of help. No one expected that while she was busy cleaning and feeding the rats, they tested on that she’d even contemplate taking anything, especially not the highly secretive project they were working on that had yet to be tested and was miles away from being ready to market.

She’d only planned to test it out to see if it could really do what they whispered it could. But the effects had been so profound on her victims that she got hooked. She knew that night that Ryan wouldn’t ask her out again, so the drug was her best bet, and she went for it. Who can blame her for not wanting to suffer the bitter taste of loneliness any longer? Didn’t she deserve to be happy? One lousy mistake in her youth, and it’s as if the world had turned against her.

Even as she sat there in the stark bare room where her life would be decided, her lawyer next to her and the two cops across from them, she didn’t regret it. She only regretted not being more careful and letting that Irish bitch get the best of her. She deserved to die, nosy bitch. If she’d minded her business that night, none of this would be happening. Ryan would’ve gone on being hers, never being the wiser.

It was all her fault, hers and that brat that had destroyed my life; Misty thought as her mind went to her daughter for the first time in days. She’d known all along that it had to be Connie who’d sent that message, jealous little twit. She’d known that something in the girl would break sooner or later; she was hers after all. That’s why she’d tried so hard to make Ryan accept her. But alas, the drug didn’t work that way.

Since the pandemic and everyone being cooped up inside Connie had changed, it’s like she’d gone on a mission to win Ryan over. Then he’d been gone for those two weeks, and the girl’s neediness had gone into overdrive. Misty could care less about her and what her life was going to be like now without the only parent she had. If not for her stupidity, the cops wouldn’t have gotten involved in their lives, and she wouldn’t be here now.

Maybe I can use this, maybe there’s something in there that can save me, she thought, but knew deep down inside that it was the desperation of a drowning woman. She saw it in that female detective’s eyes. Beneath the look of scorn, the other woman threw her way was the knowledge that she held her life in her hands.


Detective Sparks didn’t expect to have such a strong reaction to the woman sitting across from her in the interrogation room. What is it with these killer women in this town? Must be something in the water. She was already comparing the three women whom she’d arrested in the last couple of months in her head.

Had it only been that long in between murders? She would’ve loved to blame the pandemic for this rise in crime, but none of the accused had been adversely affected, and besides, the first one was long before the outbreak had started. The guys seemed to have a point. Ever since she moved here, there’s been an uptick in murders. Almost like they’d been waiting for her to show up to start their mess.

As she sat there listening and watching Misty Swamp, though, she’d have to say; this one takes the cake. Not only did she not seem the least bit remorseful of her actions, but she seemed more interested in blaming her victims for their own demise. It was Bridgette’s fault for not minding her business the night she caught Misty drugging Ryan’s drink.

It was society’s fault and the town for her not finding a good man and having to resort to such actions. And the worst, it was her young daughter’s fault for bringing attention to their family. If she hadn’t done that, Misty wouldn’t have had to get rid of Bridgette in order to keep her secret, and none of this would be happening.

The last two hours had been nothing but the woman’s complaints and gripes and not one word of regret for any of the things she’d done. She glossed over her actions like they were nothing to write home about, even the part where she’d used a used condom to trap a man when she was little more than a child herself. She didn’t seem to see the ramifications of her actions or care too much about them.

To her, it was just a scheme that went wrong. She tried her shot and lost, no big deal. She only seemed worried about others finding out about it, which Celia was secretly planning to do everything in her power to keep hidden for Connie’s sake. She was going to see about recommending counseling for the girl, though, but only because she suspected that being raised by this animal couldn’t have been good for the poor child. And the fact that the girl had already committed a crime did not bode well for her future if she didn’t get some help now.


