A Little Easter Escapade – Rawhide Ranch Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 81930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

Eliot placed the heating pad on her back and immediately she felt better.

Well, her back did.

Need still swirled inside her.

“Lie down, Marcus. I’ll tuck you both in and tell you a story.” Eliot tucked them in before he drew a chair over to the side of the bed. “Right, this story is about a little princess called Isla and a little prince called Marcus—”

“And a dragon called Eliot?” Marcus interjected.

“Hush,” Eliot told him, not unkindly. “It’s sleep time now. I forgot to ask; do you need anything to sleep?”

She reached out, ignoring the way her back protested, and slammed her hand over Marcus’ mouth.

“What did you think he was going to say, little one?” Eliot asked.

Probably something naughty… like a blow job or a threesome or—”

Marcus removed her hand from his mouth. “I was going to say I want Digs.”

“Oops. Sorry.”

“And maybe a blow job.” He gave her a wicked grin.

She groaned. “Marcus!”

Eliot just chuckled. “Where is Digs?”

“He’s in the top bedside drawer.” Marcus shifted over.

“I’ll get him. You stay under the covers, trouble. It’s past time you were both asleep.”

“It’s so early,” Marcus complained. “I’ll never sleep. Although you know what helps me get to sleep?”

“A blow job?” Eliot asked dryly.

“I was going to say a hot chocolate, but if you’re offering…”

Eliot threw back his head and let out a full body laugh. Marcus squirmed with pleasure as Isla stared up at the big man in awe. Now, that was a laugh. He should laugh like that more often.

“You’re persistent, I’ll give you that. Surprised you can still be sassy considering how much your bottom must hurt.” Eliot walked around the bed and patted Marcus on the rump.

He opened the drawer and pulled out Digs, handing him to Marcus, who tucked the toy under the covers with him. She felt a pang of longing. Not for the first time, she wished she had a toy like Digs. Something to cling to when things got rough or too much.

Eliot crouched down, rubbing his hand up and down Marcus’ back as he whispered to him quietly. Marcus let out a happy sigh, and she smiled. She loved that he was getting what he needed.

Eliot stood. “What about you, little one? Do you have anything you need to sleep?”

“No,” she whispered.

Eliot studied her for a moment. “We might have to remedy that tomorrow. After all, we didn’t get you your treat today.”

She squirmed with pleasure. “Okay.”

“Good girl.”

“She’s got me,” Marcus said. “She can snuggle me anytime she wants.” He turned to face her and reached out with one hand to entwine their fingers.

“In the morning, I want you both to wait for me to come get you for breakfast, all right? Then we’ll talk about what we’re doing. No leaving this suite without me. That’s a rule that’s going to stay in place for the rest of your stay while we’re… in this arrangement.”

She was already dreading the end of the arrangement.

“Yes, Sir,” Marcus replied.

She nodded.

Eliot lightly tapped her bottom. “I’m going to need words, little one.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. We’ll talk about the rest of the rules tomorrow. Provided you don’t wake up and change your minds.”

She didn’t see that happening.

“Now back to our story about Princess Isla, Prince Marcus, and Eliot, the brave and handsome warrior…”

Chapter 18

Isla woke up as Marcus moved, pressing his cock against her ass.

He kissed his way along her neck. “You’re so beautiful.”

One hand reached down to test if she was ready. Felt like her body was always ready for him.

He groaned. “You’re wet.”

“Please,” she begged. “I need you.”

He raised her top leg, placing it back over his thigh before he slid his dick inside her.

“This okay, sweetie?”

“Yes. So good.”

He drove back and forth, using his finger to circle her clit, before flicking it with steady movements.

“Please. Oh, please.”

“Fuck. I love waking up like this. With you.”

“Oh! Oh, Marcus!” she cried out as he moved faster.

“Can you imagine what it will be like when Eliot joins us? He could be licking your sweet pussy while I fuck you like this from behind. Or he might take your pussy with his big, fat dick while I fuck your ass.”

“How do you know his dick is big?”

“I just know it. I’ve got big-dick radar.”

“Yeah? Well, maybe his big dick will be in your ass while you fuck me.”

“Ooh, baby, I love when you talk dirty to me. Christ… I can’t… I’m gonna come.”

He groaned as he pushed deep inside her, his breath coming in soft pants as he reached orgasm. His finger moved against her clit, faster and faster until she reached her own peak, coming with a cry that filled the room.

Holy. Crap.

That was intense.

“Fuck, Isla. I think I’m dead.” He slid out of her and lay on his back. Rolling over, she cuddled into his side.

“I suppose we better get up.” She yawned, feeling tired.


