A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire #2) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Flesh and Fire Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 248
Estimated words: 236909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1185(@200wpm)___ 948(@250wpm)___ 790(@300wpm)

The lights in the wall went out as he approached the bed, plunging the room into darkness.

“That was me,” he said upon my gasp.

It took my eyes a moment to adjust. He was at the side of his bed. “More magic?”


The bed dipped under his weight, and I…I was still where he’d left me. In the darkness, he came to me. He folded his arm over my waist, and I didn’t resist—mainly out of shock—as he tugged me back and then down, bringing a blanket over my legs. My head hit a pillow, and then the bed shifted more as he settled behind me.

His arm was still draped over my waist, but no other parts of our bodies touched, even though there couldn’t be more than an inch or so of space separating us. My eyes were wide and fixed on the darkness. Several moments passed. “I didn’t think you meant within arm’s reach in the literal sense.”

“I did.” His cool breath touched my shoulder, sending a faint shiver through me.

The weight of his arm was…it was too grounding. Too everything. “I don’t think I can sleep like this.”

“If I can, you can.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Just close your eyes and try, Sera.”

Gods, when he said my name like that—like it was a solemn vow—it always left me rattled and thrown. I closed my eyes, hearing only the sound of my heart and his deep, steady breaths, and focused on those breaths until I… I did the impossible and fell asleep. I didn’t know how much time passed before I was jarred awake.

Something…something had happened.

I stared into the darkness, quickly becoming aware of how tightly Nyktos held me. He had his arm clamped down on my waist, and the slip was an inconsequential barrier against the cold press of his flesh to my back. His chest rose and fell sharply, and his breath came in rapid, short bursts against the curve of my neck and shoulder.

Was he dreaming?

I tried to turn my head to look back at him, but his arm clenched, drawing me deeper against the curve of his body. “Nyktos?” I whispered.

There was no answer.

Concern rose. I reached down, touching the tense, corded muscle of his arm.

A tremor ran through his entire body. “Promise me,” he rasped. “Promise me you’ll never go after Kolis again.”

My heart stuttered as I sucked in a shallow breath.

“Promise me, Sera. Never again.”

I squeezed my eyes shut against the sudden dampness gathering in them and spoke two words I shouldn’t. “I promise.”

Chapter 8

Nyktos was gone when I woke, but my last words to him lingered.

Promise me.

I shouldn’t have made that promise. Rolling onto my back, I turned my head. My gaze flicked from the nightstand and the small wooden box on it to where my dagger lay on the pillow beside mine. Drawing in a deep breath, I exhaled slowly and picked up the dagger. I spotted my robe at the foot of the bed. Nyktos must’ve retrieved it.

That new crack in my chest throbbed as I rose.

The stone was cool under my feet as I walked through the dimly lit passageway and entered my chambers. I stood beneath the glass chandelier for several moments, trying to get my thoughts in order. I’d failed last night. So, what was I going to do now?

There was no answer. Only the arrival of Baines and fresh water, followed by Orphine. Her apology to Nyktos the night before still scalded my skin with shame.

“Once you’re ready, I’m to escort you to Nyktos,” Orphine announced as she moved to close the doors. “I’ll be waiting in the hall.” She paused. “Please don’t attempt to make a run for it again.”

“I won’t.” I expected some sort of caustic remark from her, but all she did was nod before stepping out into the hall.

I turned back to the bathing chamber. At least what I’d said to Orphine wasn’t a lie. I wouldn’t try to escape right now. But I would have to try again. And that made the new crack in my chest feel even more unsteady, as if it were at risk of deepening and spreading.

I rubbed at the center of my chest, stopping my thoughts before they revisited the mess of emotions that had caused the fissure. Nyktos was waiting, and I might as well get what would likely be an epic bitchfest over with.

Shoving my hair back from my face, I frowned at the gritty texture. I withdrew my fingers and glanced down. A thin layer of ash coated my hands that had only ever wielded power that healed and brought life. But I had hurt Nyktos.

That kind of power killed.

Could the embers really be that strong? Were they giving me godlike abilities even now? It wasn’t implausible when I thought about it. After all, the embers had always given me powers.


