A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire #2) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Flesh and Fire Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 248
Estimated words: 236909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1185(@200wpm)___ 948(@250wpm)___ 790(@300wpm)

“That’s rude,” I wheezed.

Eather sparked along her flesh, charging the air as I positioned myself over Reaver, tensing.

“What if I don’t stay down?” Bele asked, rising to her knees.

Veses’ eyes turned into silver orbs. “Then you can die, too.”

Bele spun on her knee, rising as silvery-white light spiraled down her arms and erupted between her palms. Eather arced, rapidly forming the shape of a bow and arrow. Smirking, she pulled the string of eather taut. “Bitch, I hope you try.”

My mouth dropped open. Taric had summoned a sword of pure eather, but I’d never seen Bele do that before.

“You let go of that arrow, and all you’ll do is piss me off,” Veses warned. “And I mean, really piss me off.”

“Oops.” Bele released the arrow.

Veses spun. The projectile grazed her cheek, splitting it open. She shrieked, lifting into the air as eather sparked from her eyes and fingertips—

The ember belonging to Nyktos suddenly vibrated frantically. A faint tremor moved under the shadowstone floor as Veses’ head whipped to the open doors, to where night had gathered, thick and dark. Another charge of energy swept through the chamber, dancing across my skin. Tiny hairs rose all over my body. The breath I exhaled formed a faint, misty cloud. Every part of my being recognized the source of power pouring into the space.

Thick tendrils of midnight and moonlight spilled into the room, reminding me of what I had seen in my bedchamber that night. Coils of churning mist rolled along the floor and climbed the walls. Whatever air was in my lungs left me as Nyktos stalked forward, his eyes locking on mine. I tried to regain that breath, but the temperature of the air continued dropping, becoming so frigid that my lips started to tingle. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

His skin had thinned to the point where he was more shadow and moonlight than flesh. The power radiating off him drenched the air. Wisps of eather had gathered around him, swirling around his legs and licking over his shoulders. Through them, I saw the faint outline of his wings.

Nyktos was a storm of whirling fury. Shadows laced with thin strips of silver lashed out from him and blossomed beneath his skin. He’d never looked colder, harsher, or more like a Primal of Death than in that moment.

“She knows.” Bele rose, the crackling bow of eather still trained on Veses, another arrow of pure energy at the ready. “About Sera.”

Golden ringlets whipped around Veses’ head like snapping serpents as she lowered herself to the floor. “Nyktos—”

“Shut up,” he snarled, his gaze remaining fixed on me as he lifted his hand. A bolt of eather exploded from his palm and arced across the chamber like lightning. I flinched against the blinding light, gathering Reaver close to me out of instinct.

Veses wasn’t faster this time.

The blast of energy hit her in the chest, throwing her back. I gasped as her entire body lit up. For a moment, she was suspended in the air, her veins glowing as light flooded her mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Then she flew backward more, slamming into the wall, and I didn’t think I’d ever been more thrilled to hear the fleshy sound of a body smacking into an unyielding surface.

Veses slid down the stone, twitching and shaking as she came to a stop, slumped over. The crackling energy faded, leaving behind the scent of charred flesh. Blood dripped from her nose, mouth, and trickled from her ears. The skin above her elbows and wrists was dark and burnt.

Veses was out, but I didn’t know for how long.

“Take her,” Nyktos ordered as he crossed the chamber, the faint outline of his smoky wings briefly visible once more before they faded. “Lock her in one of the cells.”

I blinked as Orphine came forward, along with who I guessed was her brother, Ehthawn.

“I wish we could just toss her ass in the Abyss,” Ehthawn muttered, gripping the arm of the unconscious Primal and hoisting her over his shoulder like a sack of lumpy grain. I thought I might be smiling.


I jerked at the sound of my name.

Nyktos knelt in front of me, and I saw no one else. Blood smeared his left temple, and I didn’t know if it was his or someone else’s.

“Reaver was hurt,” I rasped, glancing down at him. “She hurt him.”

He touched the young draken’s cheek as I felt his gaze on me. “But he’s not hurt any longer.”

“He’s just sleeping right now.” I trembled as I stared down at Reaver, his skin having returned to its usual dusty, golden hue. “I had to do something. He was really hurt, and I couldn’t—”

“It’s okay.” Nyktos’s hand rose, and just his fingertips touched my cheek. “You saved him. That’s all that matters.”

“But she knows,” I warned him. “And she’s not like Attes. She won’t keep this secret. No matter what is going on—”


